Curse men and their power(veeeennt)

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
Why the hell is it ok to only have sex when HE wants it and when I want it he turns me down. Its not effin fair. I'm having a c section on Monday and I would think he would want to make love ad much as possible...but no...natta...nothing. Only time he has sex with me is when I get to a point of complaining after two or three weeks. God PLEASE after I hsve this baby...just wipe away all sexual desire I have for three years. Kill my libido...make sex undesirable...because its ganna be his f-ing turn to suffer. I'm ganna turn him down ever time he wants it even if I do want it ill go masturbate so ill be good. I hope he feels like I feel now...rejected and disgusting...its hard enough being pregnant but not feeling the love KILL ME! It sucks cause he's actually a good guy...but this is such a big issue for me and he hasent tried to fix or change it the entire pregnancy. Hopefully my prayers will be answered and he can know how it feels. -.-


  • Try telling him how it makes u feel when He rejects u. He probably doesnt even know what he's doing.
  • Just loose all your baby weight look sexy and turn him down after it's time to have sex again. He needs to know how you feel. I don't understand why he wouldn't want to be with you. My hubby thinks me being pregnant with his baby is hot and doesn't leave me alone...
  • I have talked to him numerous amounts of times...that's why it sucks so much more. Because he has done nothing to correct the issue or problem. Just sorry and then I get the pity sex a couple days later.
  • God its not fair. We used to have such amazing love making...wild and sexy. But now its just the pity sex I get. It hurts so freaking bad that he dosent care. I don't think ill ever feel sexy again...I just have no confidence now. Its all been rejected and shoved back down my throat.
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