any remedies to regain energy??

edited February 2011 in October 2011
I'm 7 weeks prego with baby #2 and I work fulltime and I try to do as much OT as possible so I can save more money but I can barely keep my eyes open at work. I don't wanna drink coffee becuz its bad for baby. I didn't have this problem when I was prego with my daughter becuz I didn't have a job so I had more time to rest and sleep so this part is new to me.


  • I wish I knew too this is my second and I feel like I need to be in bed 24.7 I cant take it any more im 18 weeks an a wreck,,i try and go get things done that I need too but some times I just cant
  • I submit to caffeine on the days its really bad. But I try to keep it to green tea. More ginsing, less caffeine. Don't know if it's any better, but I like to think so. I should probably look it up.
  • Ugh I thought I was the only preggo lacking "life". This is my second child and lets just say things r way different. My first I had so so much energy and this one I cant even get out of bed. Good to knw I'm not alone.
  • Yea I don't think I was this tired this early in my first pregnancy (probably becuz I had less responsibilties lol). Also I noticed I'm eating more and gaining weight faster
  • I'm Having my 2nd little bundle of joy too and I'm so tired and hungry all the time...I also work fulltime then come how to my other fulltime job..there has to be something to help! I really need something. Only 7weeks.
  • Im on my third child.. try to drink a lot of liquids if that don't help ask ur dr what u can do bout needing more energy.. remember first and third trimester u usually feel tired
  • My first baby I had tons of energy! Now I'm 18wkswith my second and I'm dragging! It sucks all my energy even taking a shower and blow drying my hair. Ugghh!!
  • I read online somewhere that one of the B vitamins (i think B6) can help but to check with your Dr first
  • Vitamin b6!!! You can get it at cvs for cheap! :)
  • Oh and my doc said its totally fine to take! Of coarse check with yours everyone is.different :)
  • Just beware that with vitamin b it can make you nauseated and in my case I have a hard time sleeping in it.
  • Im exhausted!! All the time! Im on my fourth and im 22weeks4days pregnant. I was not this tired with the other three at this time.
  • Hi, I'm 7 weeks pregnant with my first and I can barely keep my eyes open, I don't ever remember feeling this tired. I've returned to full time third level education, and I'm finding that I'm missing class because I can't get out of bed. I hear this fatigue lifts after the first trimester, is this true?
  • Iron pill a day makes my world go round.... I have a 15 almost 16 month old who I can hardly keep up with.. but that's what I do also ask ur doc abt emergen-c its vitamin c ... might help too.
  • Omg ladies I feel so much better knowing I'm not alone. This is my 5th bundle of joy. With my 4 sons I couldn't hold anything down but I had energy. I go to my 1st doctors appt this week and I can't wait!!!!
  • Im always tired S well everytime I want to do something I can't because I'm always tired. I'm eight weeks now and I hope it goes away soon.
  • Omg, so glad to know that its not just me. This is my second also, and with my first the worst I felt the entire pregnancy was two consecutive days of heartburn. That's when I discovered that Tums makes me vomit. I've been so tired this time around that some days I don't get out of bed. Please let me know if u find something that works.
  • I'm soooo tired can barely even go 2 the store!! 8 weeks and its my 2nd with my son I wasn't like this and don't wanna eat its really weird been stayin at 126 too didn't gain weight in 2 weeks but very healthy baby had ultrasound 2day :) how far along r u mommeof2??
  • its fine to drink a cup of jo but... i would say take a kat nap wen it gets unbareable
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  • I'm having my 2nd and I'm 6weeks. I am do tired I have had to call out at least once a wk for 3wks. I have to leave for work in a hr and I'm still in bed. It doesn't help that its filing season at the irs which is draining on a regular day.
  • I'm starting all over again. My youngest is 7. Any wow I hear you in the no energy. By the time I get everyone on the bus I need a nap! A lot different when I was 22
  • Vitamin B6 dr also told me to take it during my days when I had bad morning sickness. It helps with nausea!!
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