Epidural,natrual or demerol? Plz cmmnt

edited May 2011 in Giving birth
Im really close to the due date and I just wanted to know from the experienced mothers, which one works best. Who used what and what was the reaction like and how long were you in labor for?


  • I had very short labors 4 and a half hours w my first, and 2 hours 15 min for my second and both were completely natural. I felt awesome afterwards! I suggest walking around during labor to help speed things along. I wonder how long my twins will take?
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  • Oh wow twins.....congrats .....did u feel like you were gonna ask for the pain meds?
  • Whats nubian? N how lng was your labor
  • I have 4 children... 2 with epi, and 2 without.... the ones born without an epi my body seemed to bounce back easier... but its more of how tollerant u can b to pain, and how long ur labor is... u will know what's right for u when labor starts...
  • edited May 2011
    Nubain is a shot of pain medicine that they can give you. it doesnt have to go thru an iv, just a shot in your arm. It wasnt very effective for me tho. At the hospital I go to they offer you nubain first and then if you feel you need it I can get an epidural too.
  • I did a completely natural birth with my daughter and it took 45 minutes, and I was induced with my son and screamed for meds. I had taken demerol which didn't really take any edge off which is what I was hoping, and then I begged for an epidural shortly after that. My labor with my son was an hour (there were a few issues where I couldn't push because they had to suction out his nose and unwrap the umbilical cord from his neck.) I think it kind of all depends on you as a person. I found going natural with my daughter was what was best for me at the time because the only person I ever dealt with at my doctors appointments was my one midwife and she made me feel comfortable and relaxed and she supported me and it was an amazing experience, where as with my son, I was at the hospital I didn't know what was going on at my doctors appointments I always saw a different person I never felt comfortable plus I think the pitocin made it hurt worse. That is my opinion.
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  • my labour was 17 hours... i spent the first 12 hours at home, then went into the hopsital, had a shower towards the end (had gas for the last 2 hours) and spent an hour pushing (i really struggled to get him down, thats not the normal ammount of time for pushing lol) and i was on hands and knees under the bed when he came out.. i spent 90% of my labour walking or standing wich is suggested as it lets gravity do some of the work for you and helps open up your pelvis so bubs can move down. i had a great natural labour and would have been up and around right after but i needed minimal stitches that i had to wait for as there was an emergency delivery that the woman almost died in. i was back to normal in a few days (just a bit tender and bruised)
    with number 2 i will be trying to do the same thing again, i loved my natural labour as i was well enough to get up and do everything right away after bubs was out
  • I had an epidural it Was good cause it numb my pain but then after a while my bak started to hurt big time and I was super uncomfortable ahhh I was on labor for 2 days!!! Bad bad bad pushed for almost 2 hours...the needed vacuum to Get baby out I did tear. I was such a chicken tho
  • I'm in the same boat you are. I'm leaning towards no meds at all because of the side effects in the pain meds. My Dr said demerol will make you drowsy, which you could sleep but the drowsiness stays (which if I'm tired at all I'm crabby, let a lone in pain) then the epidural can have many side effects it can cause plus it comes with other meds that try to prevent problems. My mom doesn't think ill do it, but I'm going for natural. Only way Id openly get drugs was in case of emergency
  • I was given demerol when I had my daughter and it was horrible. I felt so high the whole time. I feel like I missed a huge part of it because I was just mentally out of it. I don't like pain meds anyway and that was the worst for me. Good luck with ue decision.
  • With my first they gave me a drug thru iv..not sure odor was demerol...I could still feel the pain of contractions but I hot warm all over and it took the edge off, after an hr it wore off and I asked if I could have more and they said no you have to wait another hr (shot can only be given every two hours. But I never got more and had my baby naturally
  • I am all about going natural as long as you can relax ur muscles. You may see if the hospital ur going to has a labor tub. My labor nurse last time called it the "aquadural". Plus its alot easier I
    on the body to get in a tub than to take drugs
  • I have a very low tolerance for pain so the only thing that works for me is an epidural. But I LOVE it. :D
  • I was induced and had an epidural. I was in labor for 10 hours.
  • Wit my son i had a epidural nd i was so numb from pushing the button but i loved it cause i had real bad contractions. Im getting it again long as it's allowed nd it depends on how far i am wen i get to the hospital. Wat is the demerol if u don't mind me asking....
  • with my first son they gave me stadole its like demeral.. and i will never use either one again.. my baby came out a lil slow to breath .. took a lil longer.. he still did good on his apgar but i wasnt able to have him come straight to my chest.. it make me feel drunk and high.. laughing .. but when it came to taking the pain away it sucked.. i got the epidural with my second and have no complaints my baby came out alert and was able to be put straight to my chest.. it was amazing.. and this one i will be getting the epidurle unless this labor is faster than i might go natural.. lol.. but im not counting on in it..
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