how common is this? (TMI - IMPORTANT - PLEASE HELP)

edited May 2011 in Third Trimester
So I have already spoken to my midwife from the hospital, so there is no need to tell me to do that, but thanks :) I was just wondering if this has happened to others, and what their experience was. This morning I fould a small amount of blood from my vagina, which could just be due to cervical changes. I haven't had cramps, I haven't had sex in a long time, but I did dream about sex last night. Has this happened to others? If so, how did things turn out?


  • I had some when I was at the end of my pregnancy when I was losing my mucus plug. Most describe the mucus plug as green and snotty but with my kids it was more green and bloody and snotty. Maybe your starting to thin out.
  • me me i have lost alot of ucus with blood ... then random days will have water discarge with speks of blood think its just normal towards the end ... if its alot of blood go a&e if its tar like colour ring a&e as ur on the way or go straight to labour ward ... it means baby has had 1st bowel movements
  • That's why its also called "bloody show" totally normal, though.
  • edited May 2011
    I've been having the BEST!!! reaccurring dream for two days about my hubby. I swear I just "finished" while taking a nap Tmi. But I haven't bled. I keep thinking if I act out my dream that i'll go into labor though and having non bloody show for several days when I wake up
  • With my daughter I never had the bloody show, my sister did, about a week before she had my nephew... Hoping things are moving quickly for you!
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