great....i turned him gay

edited May 2011 in Just for Fun
Okay ladies. Here's the deal I am truely happy for my friend who finally came out and told his family and friends that he is gay. But I feel kinda weird at the same time about the whole deal cause he had never been with anyone sexually before. He always said that he wanted to wait til he got married. We went out one night and was partying we and a bunch of friends and his sister went back to their house and hung out some more. His sister went to bed and the friends left so we were cuddled up watching a movie and one thing led to another and I was his first. Damn the sex was good. Lol. Anyways. We quit hanging out for a while cause it was awkward for both of us. And finally he moved away. We always remained friends on fb and he recently just posted he was in a relationship so I was being nosey and look. I just say the boy has good taste in men cause his bf is HOT. Lol so I msgd him and told him I was happy for him and supported him 100% but I had to know was there any other girls after me. He responded no. I was his first sexual partner and I was the first and last girl he was with. Well damn now I feel bad cause I turned the boy gay. Lol. Its not my fault is it?????


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  • No its not ur fault...I don't know him but I'm sure he was already gay or had gay thoughts he just wanted to make sure that a girl wasn't his this so u were prolly his experiment...if that makes sense most my gay friends say they knew they were gay from the beginning..
  • He's always been that way n sleeping with u he prob wanted to see if it would make him feel different about women / men. Don't beat urself up. Lol
  • @momof5: You are too cute!! :D

    If it helps, my very first boyfriend when I was a teen turned out to be gay. He actually cheated on me with a guy, after being together for 8 months. I was young, naive, & even though he seemed a little too feminine at times, he always said it was because he never knew his father & had no father figure while growing up. I believed him. I was only 13 going on 14, so we didn't do anything past second base, but I could still tell he enjoyed the kissing & touching. After we broke up, I felt like I must have turned him gay. He never dated another girl. Years later, he told me he was being stupid & selfish & trying to "make himself" be straight by being with me. He did say he cared for me & was sorry he used me like that.

    Anyway, your friend was probably just sexually experimenting & had been attracted to men his whole life. You didn't turn him gay, so no worries! I agree with @lil_buggie_3 100%! :)
  • Lol u didnt turn him gay. This reminds me of my gay friends speech he said sex is just sex to them lol
  • Well I had to ask him and I told him that he didn't have to explain if he didn't want to and he finally just replied back and said that he always felt that way long before me and him were together (thank god it wasn't me) lol. And that he was sorry and I was like its okay as long as I didn't do it to you. Haha. So we laughed awhile about it and things are great between us. I understand that its not a chioce to be gay or not and that a person is born that way. I was just hoping it wasn't my fault. I'm kinda sad cause he is hot and so isn't his bf. I'm married now and VERY happy but girls just lost out on 2 hot guys. I am so so happy for him and that he is happy. Well atleast I can say that I slept with a gay guy. Lol. It was a very special moment that I will hold near my heart. @lil_buggie_3 @new2_this @marriedwith_4 @artistmamma @anadoll92.

    Ps. I don't want him to feel bad and think that he used me in any way cause he didn't. I mean I think he was really trying to make himself think he was straight. We have went out a lot to the bar and hung out and always kissed here and there but nothing more til that night. Oh well the main thing is that he is happy and that I stand behind him and support him no matter what. I love him to death.
  • @momof5: Awww...that is really sweet! My gay bf was using me & admitted as much, but he did feel bad & selfish, & regretted breaking my little 14 year old's heart. Lol! I wish him nothing but the best now, & bear him no hard feelings. I think it's awesome that you're supporting your friend, no matter what. I bet it felt good to clear the air & get some clarification on that whole thing. Neither of you meant to harm the other, or use them, or break anyone's heart - & it's really sweet that you're still good friends & he has your support. Yaaay for you both! :)
    (Boo that two hot guys are off the market for us ladies, but lucky you, gay guys! ;) Lol!!)
  • P.S.- My grandmother always said that all the good men are either married, gay, or dead. That doesn't leave us with much hope, does it? Lol! ;)
  • Being gay is a choice. So i agree with the other girls he was def gay way before...@momof5
  • @artistmamma. Your grandma is SO right. Lol. I am really happy that he is happy. And its okay that he did what he needed to I mean I wouldn't want him to be in a relationship with me and him being unhappy the whole time. He is a wonderful person and deserves the best in life. He is so sensitive towards others and their feelings. I think that's why he just didn't want to talk to me. And that's okay. He is always going to be part of my life just like I will always be a part of his. :) no hard feelings.

    @purple89. He explained that he has always had feelings for other guys. And that's okay. I'm just glad that he is finally okay with who he is and that he shouldn't worry about who is judging him. He is so wonderful.
  • @artistmamma. It felt GREAT to clear the air and get our friendship back on the right path. We hadn't talked to eachother for a year cause he wouldn't talk to me or answer my phone calls or text which hurt my feelings more cause we use to do everything together and then after that night we stopped everything.
  • Good @momof5 glad u got sum closer to the situation I know that must've been Sumthn to hold on too if u were thinking like it was ur fault..glad u guys talk about at least he's happy and not living a lie at life just for gay friends are pretty sexci too they always are smh
  • @new2_this. It felt great knowing I wasn't the one to turn him gay. Lol. I thought damn I've never turned anyone else gay. Lol. I'm just in complete shock still to know that one of my guy friends that I hung out with forever and I didn't see that he was gay. Wow. This whole time we could have been hunting guys together (well before I found my guy and got married). :) and yeah almost all the gay men I know are sexy :D
  • Maybe you were just that bad. Lol, I am COMPLETELY kidding. You can't turn gay, and I am sure you are not that bad. Please don't take offense to that. I agree with what someone said above, you should feel special. You were his first and last. You probably helped him decide on that choice. And it is great you support him.
  • @krazymomofadrian. LMFAO. Non taken. I've never had a complaint before. Lol. I do feel special and no matter what he will always be my bud.
  • @artistmamma all I can think of is In the Middle & Sue with her boyfriend.
  • My ex husband turned out to be bi...Lmao we have 2 boys together and gs always been in to women well I looked on the comp and found him looking on a gay sex site yup and found looking threw everything that he had slept shock but he still denies it but I have proof can't wait to have it come out in court in our divorce
  • @abby5. OMG I would be so upset. I'm okay with knowing that I was his first sexual partner and his last sexual partner with a girl. Lol. I don't think I could handle knowing that he had been with guys then slept with me. But atleast you know now. Hope everything works out in court with that.
  • Awesome. He is lucky that you are so understanding. :) @abby5 I am with @momof5 I could handle that porn being that I couldn't do any of that cuz I am pretty sure I am female, but cheating on me then denying it. I would be pissed. Good luck in court hun. :(
  • @krazymomofadrian. Thanks girl. I wish him the best relationship in the world. He is amazing. :)
  • @krazymomofadrian and @momof5 I was so pissed but got over it and now he's justa joke
  • @abby5. Lol. Your a better person than me. I don't know if I would ever get over it. Lol.
  • good for you @abby5 I agree it is ridiculous that he did that but good that you got on with your life.
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