At what age are bumpers allowed in the crib? Guidlines have change. They use to be plush now they make breathable ones. I am sooo confused. It has been 10 years since my firt son. Lots of changes. Any suggedtions or feedback? Thanks mamas.
I was told by both my kids pediatrician and the health department not to use bumpers ever. Even the American Pediatrics say not to use them. I think @Mama_Kat had posted a website before about it.
There still a hazard of baby getting twisted in them and suffocation I personally wouldn't use one. They say a sheet and tucked in blanket or a baby sleeping bag is all that's need nothing else should be in the cot.
Has anyone ever heard of there being a product that is like a pillow type thing for your baby, that promotes a sleeping position that's supposed to reduce the risk of SIDS? If you have heard of this, do you know anyone who bought it & has an opinion about it? My cousin said she heard there is something you can buy, but didn't know where, how much, or what it was even called. Not very helpful. Lol!
We use a breathable bumper. It's basically a mesh bumper. It works great. My daughter kept getting her little legs stuck between the crib spindles above the breathable bumper, so we added a crib tent. We added that when she was 6 months old and she is now 15 months old...I love it b/c I don't have to worry about her climbing out of the crib. I would definitely recommend both! I got the breathable bumper and crib tent at Buy Buy Baby.
@artistmamma i looked for a sleep positioner that we used for my son 10 years ago similar to what you are describing and is in n longer available due to the danger.
Wow, thank you for letting me know, ladies. I'll tell my cousin. My boyfriend was hoping to find one, cause him & his ex-wife had one when their son together was a baby, but that was 12 years ago now. SIDS scares me SO much! I wish there was a way to 100% eliminate it from ever happening to any child!
@jencole99: I'm sorry I accidentally got your thread off track from your original question with my own. Yours reminded me that I wanted to ask about that. I agree with you about the confusion on the bumpers & why still even sell them? I received a gorgeous bedding set at my baby shower, & it came with a bumper that isn't even made of breathable material. Why make these products at all? This is my first & going to be my only child due to my health complications, & I wonder how I will sleep at night without wanting to check on her every 5 minutes! Ugh! =((
@artistmama its a sleep positioner I got it for my son when he was a baby I bought it from target for about $12. Its just 2 hard foam like pillows attached to a velcro like belt for sizing you put the baby on the belt and the pillows will be on his sides it helps to keep him from turning to.either side. @jencole99 I never really found any use for the bumpers really lol I just think they smother the baby and wont let them get enough air.
@Mommy2BeAgain: So what do you think of the sleep positioners? Hazardous, or helpful? Are you going to use one again for your second baby? @Mama_Kat: How does one handle the fears & anxieties of being a first time mom? I think they should make pregnancy-safe Valium. I could use it about now! Lol!
@artistmamma I really liked that specific positioner I got for him then (3yrs ago) because it wasnt like the ones Ive been seeing now that look like huge foam pillows those look dangerous to me because what if the baby rolls off and gets wedged in between the pillow and the crib? Now thats scary. The one I used for him was very small the pillows that went side by side where big enough to keep him from rolling but not too big to worry about and he layed on the actual crib not a pillow the belt just kept the pillows connect. If I find one just like the one I used for him I would deff use it again it was great
@jencole99 I never really found any use for the bumpers really lol I just think they smother the baby and wont let them get enough air.
@Mama_Kat: How does one handle the fears & anxieties of being a first time mom? I think they should make pregnancy-safe Valium. I could use it about now! Lol!