My baby have the HICCUPS IN MY TUMMY!! Lol

edited May 2011 in Third Trimester
So im sitting down and below my tummy near my vajayjay i feel sonething move every 2sec like a beat. My mom tells me my lil man is hiccuping lol. He still hasnt stop. It tickles lol. Its amazing to feel the lil things they do inside you..

Anyone else felt they baby hiccup before??


  • Yep.. It's so cool! My first would get them so often and keep them for so long I would get sore... But it's amazing.
  • Lol ok good at least ik im not going crazy & someone else can relate :)
  • Yes, this little girl gets them all the time! She's big enough now that my whole stomach jumps every time she hiccups. Lol!
  • My princess gets them everyday... last from 2-5min 20000 times a day.... lol
  • This morning my lil man (in my belly) n my daughter (17m) had them at the same time n she wanted to lay on my belly... So I felt them on both sides of my belly :X
  • Its happenening to me right now its like a non stop poke in the same spot
  • i love it when my little angel get them! she gets very lazy some times and when i feel her hiccups i feel sooo much better
  • idk how to feel minee?? I'm 26w... I know she has em.. but.idk.if shes moving o hiccuping!
  • Lmaooo aww you ladies stories are cute :)

    @naliibby2 it feels like a non stop heart beat in the same spot at the bottom of your tummy if baby head has dropped. Trust me when it happens youll know cuz they wouldnt kick in the same spot for like 3-5 mins STRAIGHT lol with the same pace
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