when will it stop!?

edited May 2011 in November 2011
Ok ladies. Ive been what men called "blessed" in the breast department. I call it a terrible pain, but either way, before getting pregnant I was a DDD. I've never had ne work done, it is all natural. I am now 3 months pregnant and I'm a size H. When will they stop growing? Ik that once the baby gets here they will grow. But I can't handle too much more!


  • Yes when the bby gets here they will grow especially if you breastfeed. Sometimes after you give birth within a few month your breast go down even smaller than before I know how bad it can hurt try warm wash cloths or a heating pad helps a lot .....
  • try hot and cold packs. they prob wont grow too much more until your baby is 2-3 days old. Whether you breastfeed or not, your milk will come in. After a day or two of breastfeeding the supply will regulate itself and they'll calm down. The breastfeeding brings huge relief and you can pump off a bit of the extra milk. But if you choose not to breastfeed, you can't take any of the milk out for relief, or your breasts will continue to make more. It takes a few days of not nursing for your hormones to quit producing it. My gf, mom of 3, says it's the most painful thing but she still chooses not to nurse. I hope you decide to breast feed, it is truly awesome.
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