
edited May 2011 in Pregnant
I just had my little girl last year on december 8th and I'm pregnant again! And due dec 4th! (This was also my little girls due date) Well I'm soo nervous now cus I'm scared I will hurt myself and the new baby :/. I had a csection last time and the pain was all gone and now its back and I cant stop thinking I'm hurting my baby. I'm 11 weeks and I love this baby to come but I feel so down. Anyone else have babies close like this? Any problems with ur pregnancy? TIA!


  • If you feel like something is wrong call your doctor. I only have one child. But wanted to wish you good luck and that is so cute they have the same due date :) I am sure you are fine though, so many women have c sections and then have children soon after. Congrats on your baby.
  • But you always watn to call your doctor if you feel anything is wrong that is what they are there for.
  • Thank you! :) and yes I did call my doctor she said I should be fine and just said to come to my appointment on monday and she will check me! But I'm still so nervous that my body isn't prepared for this next journey :/
  • My 2nd and 3rd are 13months apart.they are 10 and 9 now.I didn't have a c section though.are you going to try vdac?
  • Yes I want a vbac soo bad this time! But my midwife said that if anything goes wrong in this pregnancy I will have a schedualed csection :( I also forgot to mention I am plus size and have gestational diabetes wich I didn't have with my last pregnancy.
  • Please anyone else had this happen to them?
  • Congratulations u will be ok. Second times is easy. Just take it easy n good luck. Am also due in Dec 10
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