Epidural Complications? Natural-birth Mom's

edited May 2011 in Giving birth
I'm only 12 weeks pregnant but already thinking about labor! My mother-in-law really doesn't believe in epidurals because she says the "risks are too great." With her two sons she gave birth naturally and said "it's not as bad as you think." I'm a RN but an orthopedic RN - I don't know squat about OB and was just wondering if anyone knows anyone that suffered complications from epidurals? Or, has any one given birth naturally? I'm scared either way.


  • Ive had them with both my children. They are a wonderful pain reliever. Now afterwards I started havin back issues, like something would catch in my back. It hurts so bad. When it occurs, its hard to even stand. My theory is its caused from getting an epidural but im not 100% on that.. Im goin to go as long as I can without it this time and see how it goes
  • @ecstaticmom2be I don't know anyone that has had complications, but I do know people that have gotten them and they did not work so they felt everything anyway. The thing that sucks about them is that you can not get up and move and sometimes they can slow down your progress. This is ultimately your decision. My Mom had an epidural with my oldest sister and it made her ill, she went natural with the other 4 of us.
  • As w anything there are risks I had natural childbirth w 3 and had a epidural w one they went through my spine n caused my spinal fluid to leak which caused my brain to tilt the headaches killed me for a week but eventually healed but I also know several family members who swear by the epi. Natural was great the contracting hurt the worst outta everything the actual birth was a burning feeling for me but if I would've had a good experience w the epi than I probably would've done it w all of em lol not trying to scare u but the contractions r the worst every woman is different though n this is 100% ur choice ur the one giving birth gl n God Bless
  • @ecstaticmom2be I gave birth naturally, it really isnt that bad. But I didnt have a choice of getting an epidural, I was only in labor at the hospital for 3 hrs n the nurse didnt think I would progress that fast. But do wat makes u feel better, I know some women cant stand their contractions. But be strong. :D hope this helped.
  • Is heard so many horror stories about epidurals but the only person I know who had 1 (she had 2 infact 1with her 3rd child n 1 with her 4th) swears by them and she had natural births with her first 2. I decided a while ago I wasn't going to have one. I had to see a specialist about it cos I have a back condition n he actually recommended I have one. He was the 1st person to ever give me any positives to it (for example if you end up needing a c section they just have to top it up rather than fully knock you out) and I've still decided I'm not having one but I feel better about my decision knowing I've heard both sides. Every medical procedure has risks so I recommend you research both pros and cons annd make the right decision for you :-)
  • I have done 3 all natural child births and I am gonna get a epidural this time!! I have a high pain tolerance but I figure if I did it 3 times natural I deserve to be comfortable this last time!
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