VENT***(kind of long)

edited May 2011 in Teen moms
Im so tired of people looking down on me just because I am young and pregnant. Yes, I am only 19, but I have my high school diploma, I'm going to college, I have an amazing supportive fiance, and family, I have a job, and I have a lot of experience raising children. I'm the second oldest of 8 so I'm pretty damn sure I know how to take care of kids, have been since I was 5. I know what kind of life I want for me and my kids. And I won't stiop until I get there. I know its going to be hard, and I know there will be obsticals. I'm not a little kid with no clue on what to do with life. I'm very mature for y age, and nothing anyone says will effect how great of a mother I am going to be. Period.


  • Good for you. Don't let other people's negativity bother you. That's their problem, not yours!
  • Kudos hun! Your accomplishing alot while becoming a mom. I don't think it's you, maybe it's the stereotypical teen mom they are bashing. Alot of teen moms have thier crap together, they just aren't aknowledged for it. Keep that positive attitude :)
  • @first_pregnancy Dont let anyone bother you about your age, not to start any drama but its not like your a little 13 year old girl thats pregnant. You are a grown woman and can make your own decisions. I am 19 and i am ttc, and that is my choice, not anyone elses. Good Luck hun and try not to stress over these people.
  • @blueberrysmom that's very true. Ha I try not to let it effect me..but some people are so rude!

    @jaime77 thank you! And that is true as well. And ill try(:
  • @mommyofangels that is true..and its what I told my grandma..who still hasn't talked to me since I told her I was pregnant. But she still gets upset when my mom talks about having another kid..and she's 41 with 8 kids. Haha and thank you!(:
  • Btw what is ttc? I'm a little slow with some of the acronyms
  • edited May 2011
    @first_pregnancy Wow :) a big family. I think maybe thats just a grandma thing.... and your welcome! :)

    and ttc is trying to conceive :)
  • Yeah, probably haha and ohhhh. Okay, lol yeah my pregnancy was planned as well..although we haven't told his mom that..she would flip!
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