I'm 19 wks, due October 8th & my baby's movement went from flutters to kicks literally overnight! U can even feel it from the outside now! :-) anyone else feelin kicks yet?
@super_siked If u didn't fart afterwards lol then it was probably baby! My first movements felt like popping bubbles or like muscle spasms, like when u have a twitchy eye lol.
I am 18wks..almost 19, due 10/11. I feel lots and lots of flutters, but no real kicks yet. It is my first, so I figure I still have at least a week or more, plus I am a big girl. I can't wait to feel them though. The flutters are really neat for now though
I'm due october 13th and baby's been kicking since 15 weeks, I'm really skinny and although I never really caught him kicking on the outside cuz its so quick, I seen him roll and make one side of my uterus stick out then go back down when he rolls the other way!
Yup! I'm due October 3rd, I've been able to feel the baby since 15 weeks (I'm 20 weeks now), and just three nights ago hubby and I were both able to feel little kicks/movements from the outside!
I'm due October 3rd, I've been able to feel the baby since 15 weeks (I'm 20 weeks now), and just three nights ago hubby and I were both able to feel little kicks/movements from the outside!