ugh im gonna be so exhausted tomorrow..

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
My work my lovely work has me leaving tonight at midnight then I have to return at 8am which isn't that bad if u think but I work at the space center and the shuttle launch is suppose to go at 856am so I have to be on the road at 6am to make it at 8am even tho I live 20 mins away..traffic will be insane! Any suggestions for me to be able to make thru out the day? I'm really tired now and I can't think of a way to be able to make it without a nap and that's a no no lol


  • I like hot tea in the morning. Thers some with a low percentage of caffine. My favorite is carmel vanilla truffel. An since I have been avoiding a lot of caffine, it really seems to wake me up. I'm a big hot tea fan tho :) hope ur day goes by fast for u
  • Sounds like an exciting day! Hopefully it'll be enough to keep you up haha.
  • sleep over, awesome job though, or walk to work
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