
edited May 2011 in Pregnant
I went to the e.r cause my jaw swollen...well I have an abcess. The cause of the abcess was a mouth ulcer. Doctors don't know how I got it. So they gave me penicillin and percocets. I told them i'm 6 weeks pregnant and his response was congratulations. Am i crazy cause i'm thinking percocets and pregnant don't go together...any advice???


  • Sometimes the pros weigh out the cons. B way worse for u to get an infection into ur bloodstream vs. Meds
  • edited May 2011
    You could always call and OB and ask them. ER docs aren't baby whizzes, they are more skilled for emergency situations. An OB would be able to give you the pros and cons. Good luck!
  • Percocet is on the safe list...I was prescribed it for my infected wisdom tooth, and many breastfeeding women get it after c-sections... I know it sounds crazy but percocet is in the tylenoll family and just fine to take! :)
  • @Garagebandfan thanks...I was taking the penicillin but dealing with the pain. Didn't want to cause any harm to my unborn. The pain is causing me sleepless nights so now thats I know its safe i'm going to take one right now. :X
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