Is it me or have any of you ladies wanted sex more since your pregnant? It's like i'm craving sex. Too bad my doctor said no sex cause i'm high risked. I don't understand it but ok doc.
Lol appearantly a lot of people are craving sex this is the second post I have seen being on only twice lol. I had spurts where I wanted sex constantly then I didn't want to have any. Now I want it but I cannot have any for another week (after a month) so I am supposed to but I don't think I can lol. I may have to disobey doctors orders, and attack my bd.
Mann I want sex so bad but two things are preventing that 1# my bd is weirded out that the baby is so low in my pelvis. I've explained to him that its still OK a million times but well....( he also thinks I'm using him to induce labor lol) #2 I'm Soooo huge its hard to find a position that works good also he is well endowed but for some reason can't get all the way in and can't stay in (sorry tmi) He says it feel like I'm pushing him out (but I'm not ) Uggggh it's so frustrating. I can't wait to not be huge and pregnant and have some good sex!
Omg I'm glad I'm not the only one. Doc said no sex cause I keep bleeding. I dream of it, I think about it all the time. Grr, is rather a quickie than chocolate lol x
All my dreams are about sex. Before pregnancy I was happy with doing it once a week, now I feel like a serial rapist...BUT only with my husband. It's like everything he do turns me on. Like he was cleaning the ceiling fans and my hormones jumped into over drive. I don't understand it, maybe its cause the dr. said no sex .
(after a month) so I am supposed to but I don't think I can lol. I may have to disobey doctors orders, and attack my bd.