saddened but want to know

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
Ok, I have a friend of mine who is a week further along then me. I got a call from her and she told me she smoked pot through most of this pregnancy for stress and various other reasons I can't tell you why I'm not her. She knows what she was doing was wrong and I told her that she is dumb to have smoked so long as they drug test the baby when it is born. My question is if she stops smoking now will she test clean when the baby is born? Or will the baby test positive even then?

I am not the one doing it and I just found out and she said she has stopped as of a week ago. I don't need anyone telling me to call cps or anything like that because she has said she stopped and I belive her and I think she is really scared. Yes she should have thought of this earlier and yada yada yada I know the judgemental drill and various negative things that could be said, but I'm not going to repeat a bunch of negativity to her so don't waste your typing/texting on it. Just want to know the possibility of her not keeping her child so I can tell her.


  • Oh I'm in my 29-30 weeks so she is 30-31 weeks..
  • I know where i live they will place the child with family members if the baby tests positive for drugs.
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  • @hurstk28 she has no family here. I really feel bad and I know she did this to herself, I know she feels horrible because otherwise she wouldn't have come out and told me. She keeps crying to me about what a horrible parent she is and she wished she could take it all back. I know this doesn't excuse the fact, but she wants to change. Maybe she will be ok? I dunno. She just wants to know what the chances of testing positive are and what she can do to help herself. I don't know what to tell her cuz I don't have to go through this. I was hoping someone on here could give me some advice to give her
  • I honestly don't think smoking marajuana is a very serious thing compaired to other drugs. Actually I'm not sure if they even test for it. All of my friends have smoked during pregnancy and they were never tested to my knowledge. I personally don't smoke it,but I don't feel like its any worse(probably better) than cigarettes.
  • I don't think they test for it unless they are worried about it but if she is 31 weeks and stopped a week ago she should be fine cause I've always heard 3-4 weeks depending how much you smoke so unless she goes into labor real early which. Brings in all new problems she should not have anything to worry about
  • Also tell her not to worry to much cause That's not good for the baby she will be fine
  • Well I know for a fact they test here in florida @alwaysbusie it is mandatory and I don't disagree with the fact due to all the people around here that I have heard of or seen do coke/crack/ meth and hardcore drugs.

    @lil_buggie_3 see I searched and for some reason the search function didn't bring it up.
  • I've heard it takes a month to completely clean out of the system i'm sure her and baby will be completely clear.
  • A friend of mine had her dr tell her to smoke while pregnant so she could eat and sleep..unofficially of course. I wouldn't do it myself but her baby was perfectly healthy
  • @angelsmommy I hope so too. She is a good person just made a couple bad choices. I think and this is just my opinion she did it to be closer to the babys father. In the whole time I have known her she hadn't smoked (or so I think) but she is telling me know she smokes once a day up until last week. I dunno. Now I'm worried for her and feel like maybe had I been a better friend she would have told me sooner and she would have quit earlier. I dunno :(
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  • Wtf is up with all the stoner moms?! Stop smoking pit while ur prego then u wont have to worry about a drug test. Problem solved! Omg I hope cps takes some if these stupid womens kids. I mean really if u r just now thinking about it ur to stupid to raise a child. Sorry it's just getting annoying
  • You can't think like that. She is a grown women and made her own choices. I've never smoked pot personally but i had a friend who smoked up until the day she delivered and they didn't take her baby. I asked her to stop many times but in the end she had to want to stop for herself. Atleast your friend is stopping for herself and the baby.
  • @skaihall my midwife told me that with my first. I only did it for a little bit and I quit. I didn't with my son, nor have I done it with this one. I figured that I can do what I want on my own time and didn't need to put the baby through something they can't control. I dunno.

    A dumb question to ask let's say she quit like she told me and she still hangs out with her doucebag baby daddy and he smokes around her wouldn't that make things worse?? I only ask this because I'm trying to get her to get away from that arse and maybe this would be a good angle?

    See this is why I have limited friends. I don't like getting told things that upset me :(
  • They don't test for marijuana because it doesn't harm the baby. And they wouldnt just straight up take the baby. They would turn it in to cps if they found something. Then cps would see what the living situation is like. Since it sounds like she's quit, she has no need to worry. Its actually ILLEGAL for them to test for drugs without her consent. And unless she's acting like a "junkie", or someone says that's she's doing drugs, they wont have a need to test. And as for being in the system it depends on how often and how long ago. With a fast metabolism like a pregnant woman, if she smoked like one time a week ago and that was the only time in awhile. She'll be clean in from 3 to 10 days. Lots of water, cranberry juice, and exercise if that's possible and she should be fine by the time baby comes.
  • It would probably be easier for her if she got away from the whole setting. Not only for baby but for herself.
  • No second hand doesn't show cause I do not smoke at all but use to hang around a lot of people who did hardcore and I passed drug tests for jobs.
  • But it is better safe than sorry so You could use that angle
  • @mandac10 I understand where you are coming from, however, I said I wasn't going to relay bad messages to her regardless of what is said... I understand what is wrong with it and can agree that people need to think before they act, but telling people they are stupid and hoping there kids get taken away is kinda pointless.... especially where I live... cps comes and takes your kids and well they either lose them or they die. Cps in the state I live in does not care about the welfare of children nor do they even check to make sure the kids are ok. I know this seems to go against what people believe, but the state doesn't care.. at least not here, maybe if they did meth users and crackheads wouldn't have their children or be allowed to adopt children but that happens. I have friends that work for cps and even say the system is build around tearing people down and making money.

    Hence why I don't do this myself.
  • @alwaysbusie ok, if I had her move in with me and she does test positive would they mess with me as well? Not that I have any drug problems, but I'm in a custody battle of sorts and don't want to screw it up
  • Idk if it was me I wouldn't chance it like someone said if she tested positive they would check her out more like home life but if you don't smoke you would probly be OK and another thing to think about is her possibly saying she doesn't have anything but actually having a stash hidden for if she "needs" it. She may not be like that but that's how most potheads I know are. I think you want to help her But be careful.
  • Ya I was hard sorry. But I've seen drugs ad children. I deal with rapes and molestation ever day. Pot is th gateway drug. I fear for the kids that can't speak for themselves. All I gotta say is go sit in my job one day and listen to these kids and what they go through just because of weed.
  • Tell her to drink tons and tons of water and she will be fine. :) she should be clean by the time she goes into labor.
  • @mandac10 I would agree with you if she were doing other I've seen so many mothers who smoke pot and are wonderful parents andthe kids are smart and thriving. Cps here in florida sucks...I've had friends that were in foster care and they turn out troubled or violent or on drugs and having sex at really young ages. My friend was abused for years and cps didn't do diddly until her brothers head was smashed into a wishing her kids to be taken is wrong just because she smoked pot. They would be 100% worse off with the state of fl then with the mother.
  • All I gotta say is last thread just 2 days ago same topic got closed. This one needs to. Drugs n baby don't mix. These moms r selfish little spoiled brats that put themselves first. And pot does have effects on unborn kids. Look it up. Only stupid stoners think otherwise.
  • I smoke weed (when I'm not pregnant before I get judgement) and it takes 30 days. She'll be fine as long as she didn't smoke again. And the only way it would come to you would be if the baby tested positive they might test her household but since you don't it won't matter. Good for you in being there for your friend :) I would tell her she has to stop stressing tho, as long as she's done then she'll be good :)
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