delivery day

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
I'm terrified of going through labor alone . I kicked him out for good Fri caught him doing drugs w our son at home and me at wrk. Dnt get me wrong he's nev3r been violent but drugs are still drugs my son coulda got a hold of it or god knows what. Anyways I'm trying to stick to not being w h8m even tho I love him so much I can't do it anymore. But all of this has stirred up my anxiety I'm do scared bc he is who has hel0ed me threw everything. Do I let him help me threw this or not dnt know what to do


  • How far along are you? I would demand he seek treatment if your going to live with him.
  • @jamie77 and @amab13 I kicked him out over a month ago and right now I told him we are not together he is staying w his parents but I am due in 5 and a half weeks and terrified we have a four year old together and up untill now I have never been alone like ever so its really scary I have been w him 6 years the problem us he is a great guy he has never hit me or even cussed at me ever and trust me I have put him through hell before I got o- my meds for bipolar. He has always liked drugs and we done them together almost 6 years ago but I grew up he didn't and the past year he tried crack and it grabed back he is still a good guy he dosent do it all the time but any time is too much I'm j scared w a lot of mixed emotions I'm sure you could imagine
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