what happens???

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
I'm pregnant with my 1st baby and I'm due on may 27th, what happens if I don't go into labor that day? Do I go to the hospital anyways or what do I do I have no idea


  • You wait. The drs office will continue to schedule weekly appointments, they usually don't induce until you're at least a week overdue. Babies come when they're ready.
  • @4senough can I ask to be induced b4 the week?
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  • @calisbabygirl....it all depends on your doctor. I got induced a couple days before my due date with my son, he didn't come till a day after his due date anyways haha. My bp was a little high with him through out though so probably played a factor in. I also had GD with him, I also have it with this baby and my doctor said the hospital around here start to induce at 38 weeks with woman who have GD. I'm going to avoid being induced though I didn't really like it. I was in the hospital from Thursday night till Monday afternoon.
  • It does depend on your doc, I would ask.
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