As the days go by and its getting closer and closer to my due date, I am so scared to get an epidural. I want one but I'm not a big fan on needles, so can you all share your experience on them please and thank you!
This is my first, so Im a little scared too...but Ill tell you the advice I got; have them administer the epidural during a contraction. Apparently when its needle vs contraction, the contraction is usually whats more painful and what youll be focusing on. Also, you should request a hep-lock so that if you need more IV's or sulfate or pitocin or ANYTHING, they only have to stick you once.
Thanks, I was told when you get an epidural during your contraction it is very painful. Hopefully my labor will go by fast and won't be as painful. But I know some Dr's won't give you an IV so I hope my Dr is very cooperative with me
When I got mine I didn't see the needle pretty sure they won't show u .... second when I was getting mine a contraction started so he just waited until it was over