sick and nursing

edited May 2011 in Breastfeeding
I talked to my Dr and nurses at the hospital and got diff answers so I'm asking here. Looking for cold medicine I can take and not have to pump and dump. I was gonna take nothing-just let my body fight it off but that's not working-I'm miserable. Sleeping even less at night thanks to coughing and I have 3 kids who r 2, 1, and almost 3 sleeping it off isn't an option lol. My nurses at the hospital told me that stuff like sudafed (something to help w my runny nose) could dry up my milk supply some. But my Dr looked at me like I was crazy when I told him that...curious if there is anything u have found works. well.


  • It can slow production, but its worth it, especially if you're only gonna take it for a few days. Maybe use a hand pump after nursing to increase supply a little. Drink plenty of fluids to counteract the drying effects, maybe some raspberry leaf tea? Can someone watch the older kids for a couple hours? Maybe take them to the park? Just a little time in bed with baby may help you feel better. Tylenol is good for achiness, too.
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  • i always just dealt with it when i was sick during the day but at night before i went to bed with dimatap.. thats what my dr. said would be ok.. and you dont pump and dump.. if its been a couple of hours.. because your breast milk actually matabolises it .. drink alot of water.. and keep nursing.. your doing good.. and just know you will get better soon..
  • Thanks ladies. Unfortunately, my husband works all week (Mon-sun) this wk except wed...he plans on sleeping all wed. He is on might and sleeping during the day-big freakin baby! Lol
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