I Failed

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
My glucose test. Now I have to go back Friday and do the 3 hour test. This is my 4th baby and the first tome I failed it.


  • Don't get discouraged hun, most of the time you fail the 1 hour and you pass the 3 hour. It happens quite often. I hope you pass on friday hun!
  • Dont feel down...my aunt failed her 1hr test got all worked up and ended up passing the 3hr one.

    Good luck on friday, and no matter the results I'm sure you and baby are gonna be perfectly fine! :)
  • I failed too.... I'm taking my 3 hour one now I hope we pass the three hour one...
  • My 4th baby also and failed taking 3 hour tomorrow I'm so nervous also!! Good luck
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