uhh how much longer ????

edited May 2011 in Third Trimester
I'm 34 weeks today (yay) but I feel like June 28 is forever away :( don't get me wrong I want my daughter to stay in there and cook till full term and be completely healthy :) but I'm getting soo impatient ! I just want to meet my little princess. I need time to fly ! And everyone keeps telling me I will miss being pregnant ??REALLY. I'm sooo uncomfortable all day everyday !


  • Same boat hun! I'm due 6/25 I feel like I gained an inch overnight, my left ankle is throbbing today. I'm actually starting to waddle! I only miss pregnancy if my newborn is screaming her lungs off. Lol
  • Haha! I know exactly what you mean. I can't stand on my feet for 5 min. without my feet killing me. Its really sad lol. And my hubby likes to point out that my waddling is "cute" I think NOT :)
  • I wish he would drop some, so I can chill on using my inhaler everyday. Waddling is funny, but I miss just being faster at everything. 2 more weeks at work, can't wait!
  • OmG.. iM fEeLiN YeW lAdIeS iM dUe 6/17 sTiLl A mOnTh To Go nD i FeEl LiKe I kAnT gEt AnYbIgGeR :-S bUt I aM uGh AlL i wAnNa DeW iS I-) BuT i CaNt ItS tAkIn FoR eVeR tO mEeT mY lItO mAn :)
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  • Omg!! I feel the same way! I'm due june 29th!! Its taking forever..
  • Marinewife I feel u gurl lol i m also 34 weeks my due date is June 25 and I can't wait i don't wanna rush it but homegurl needs to come out so I can have my body back no more aches and.pain late nite snacking or getting up every hr to pee I'm so ready but congrats to u and the new baby when its time your baby would come u gotta remember we are working on.there time LOL
  • Ugh im 38 weeks & I feel like its going by so slow now I haven't even lost my plug yet I just want him to be here my back is killin me & my feet are so swollen I can't take it anymore! Lol
  • i'm 38 weeks n feel like its taking forever to get here my due date is may 29th i been having contractions n i been 2 cm dilated since 35 weeks i just want him out to hold him in my arms i have appointment tomorrow for a ultrasound i see wat happens
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