
edited May 2011 in Pregnant
So I have been trying to quit smoking and Its so hard! To all you moms who just quit no problem I salute you! I read that its best TO set a date that you will start a smoke free pregnancy! Ill be 12 weeks next week and have chosen this Thursday as my first non smoking day! Does anyone have any tips? I'm going to use this as my support and let everyone know how its going. Good or bad! I need the feed back because I WILL quit!


  • You can do it!
  • Thank you!
  • Quitting was easy for me because I only smoked when I drank alcohol. Since I cut out the booze I didn't crave the smoking. Good luck to you. I hope you have a good support team around you. I would suggest to try and replace the craving for nicotine with something healthy.
  • I quit 2 weeks ago after 10 years and all i could do was totally fight the craving. I had to go crazy. I just couldnt give in!! Be strong!!
  • just think about your baby being in pain and straining .. because when a woman smokes her babies oxygen is cut off.. and can actually cause them pain.. hey thats what i did to quite.. think of my baby and much more i care about there health and less about smoking.. i was one that quite cold turkey.. and i ate alot for the first couple of days but eventually levled out my eating lol.. i know sounds simple but thats what i did.. and just know you can do it.. and if you do end up giving in.. dont.. continue.. keep your goal and focus on it.. not the fact that you gave in.. i know the longer your off the easyer it will be so cold turkey is the best way to go.. good luck.. and you can do it.. just keep your focus on your lil one.. and know your doing your best
  • i am sorry that i can't be of more help, but i was able to quit when i got really sick, which was about 2 weeks before i found out i was pregnant.(10 weeks i think?) i was a daily smoker, but the massive congestion made it impossible. by the time the sickness wore off, i didn't feel like starting again. i should have known that meant i was pregnant! i also lost my taste for alcohol, which was pretty small in the first place.
  • Thank you guys! Ill post how I'm doing! I've cut back to about 6 a day and I was a pack a day smoker but I've been stuck on the 6 for a week now. I try to cut back more but I find myself going nuts!
  • i have read that caffeine and alcohol make you smoke more, but keep in mind this is the least reliable tidbit i have posted on here so far, as it was not based on research but hearsay. it might just be associations with those things, like having a cig with your morning coffee or evening martini. have you tried chewing gum or eating suckers? i find that half of my fixation is an oral one.
  • Suckers!!! I had hard candy on hand whenever I had a craving!... plus think everytime you light up ur licking an ashtray... noforigs make me sick. Im free of smoking now for 5 months...
  • Or I had mt friend buy a pack of really bad cogs and smoke them. She's down to half a pack and lowering her amount too! Try lucky strikes or something.
  • The guys at my work helped me quit.. They were so mean to me when I would "take a break!" And I know they were disappointed in me too, and that's what really did it. They weren't afraid to tell me that I sucked for giving in! Sometimes, it takes someone being mean to get you to do it. Everyone else (my husband, my BIL, my mom) was just like, "Oh well, I didn't think you could actually do it, since you've been saying you are for so long." Or (and this was especially my BIL) "Just one won't hurt, but try extra hard not to again." Well, just one always turns into just another!

    My advice is to find someone who isn't afraid to tell you like it is. No, its not okay to have just one more. You really let me down, and you stink (literally!!) too. Make sure they also tell you how proud they are too when you do overcome a milestone!

    And the hard candies, straws, and gum help alot too!
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  • Thank you everyone for the tips and advise!
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