6 and 8 year old vandelized a school in my area!

edited May 2011 in Just for Fun
An elementary school in our area was vandelized after a 6 and 8 year old broke in sometime Sunday! Would you let your 6 and/or 8 year old out of your sight/yard/within yelling distance on any day of the week. I know many parents work and think that their children will be fine for a few hours, but on a Sunday afternoon there has to be somone that could watch them. I am just at a loss for words, we come from a pretty small rural communtiy (less than 5000), I just didnt think kids around here acted like that!


  • Omg lol but not lol smh where do u live?
  • @janellesmommie I live in central Nebraska.
  • O wow smh where was there parents? Dey should b 100% responsible! N should pay the consequences.
  • I always udell my bf kids need supervision at all times!! That's how kids get into trouble, kidnapped or killed. My son is 7 and I won't even let him walk the dogs to the corner by himself. Smh @ the parents of the kids
  • Always tell*
  • We live out in the country and my 2 and 4 yr old play in our fenced in backyard while I'm inside doing stuff. But if we go to the front yard they are supervised, if we lived in town they wouldn't be allowed to sneeze without me being right there. If I had my way I would drive my kids and follow them around everywhere til they move out, let alone leavibg them unsupervised at 6 and 8 yrs old.
  • 100% parents fault. my lil sis is 12 and shes not allowed to go anywhere without supervision. she walked home from the library once i nearly had a heart attack when i saw her lol a bit overboard i know but now days theres so many sick psyco's. i've got a 4 year old theres no way that in 2 years she will be roaming with a 8yr old.
  • Hmmm..well when I was younger I was@ a friends alot..and say my next dr neighbor and my friend across the the st..and behind us and the next block over would always hang out even on sundays(lots of days ).and would go to our school ..next block over ( elementary) all the time..unsupervised...but I feel like times have change aswell neighborhoods and children doing pity crime..
  • Omg :/ I'm going to sound really old here him only 20 lol when i was like 7 i use to go shop at top of street by my self but now i Won't let my 7 year old brother go cos of all peado's and d**kheads about nowadays i panic if he goes a few doors down :/ lol
  • @SamiUK...i know my friend and I would walk everywhere!! ...im 25... my son is 4 and..no i dont let him just go and leave the house ...i probably wont till waaay later in life
  • Now a days, you cant trust a fly!! Too many child molestors living around areas, people are not even aware of! My 10&13 dont go ANYWHERE without me! Not even spending nights at friends houses... Bettet Safe than Sorry!
  • How could they have that frame if mind even to want to break in.. maybe someone told them or conducted it. I just dont see a child thinking up the idea at all
  • I don't know many of the details, but it makes me sad that these kids had no supervision and had nothing better to do with their time. I remember when we would run around our small town unsupervised, but that was 20 years ago and a lot has changed.
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