i should of asked my doctor.... DUH

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
ok so when my dr put me on metformin, i think the one thing i neglected to ask her, is how long me pierod will be while on it.. is it going to be the normal 7-10 days,, or is it going to be a constant on off spotting... im working on 4 days now, but the first 2 were the light brownish spotting, only enough to make me worried at work bc, for the first day i wasnt prepaired! lol... so if any of you ladies have taken metformin, please let me know how long your cycles lasted..


  • Never taken it but Google it. I'm sure there are websites webmd.com probably has info too
  • Mine were all normal but I stopped because it made me so sick then when I got pregnant they put me back on to control the pcos and sugar for baby
  • I only got pregnant from taking provera and clomid I was on metformin for a year strait and it made me sick as a dog but now that I'm pregnant I'm happy to be on it because I don't have too much pregnancy constipation hehe. ;)
  • the first few days it made me real neausious, but now im fine.. im just really really tired all the time, and i dont knw if its because its been forever since ive had a period or the medication...
  • Its the medicine at first u get this burst of energy then your exhausted I hhhhhaaaaaatttteeee metfirmin when your not pregnant r u trying to get pregnant?
  • edited May 2011
    And has it given u diareah? Sorry don't know how to spell that
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