How old and how much are you babys eating and how often? Gage is almost 3 weeks old and had beem drinking 4oz.every 2-3hrs which the dr is glad bc he was a preemie and at first couldn't even keep down 1/2oz.
that sounds good to me, my babys r all breastfed but doesnt it say on the formula tin how much each age should have, as long as ur getting 7wet nappies p/d id be happy
Hmmm.I cant remember exactly ..but my son drank 4 oz for a very very long time..sometimes 6 when he was a few months older.. but i think your baby is doing well
My daughter is going to be 3 months old soon and she drinks a 3.5 to 5 oz. Bottle a day or every other day from her father. That has been the average amount since about two weeks.