Hello OK so I'm 6weeks and 5days preg. The doctor told me I have 2 sacs with one visible baby. She also told me that I might have twins but one of them might not survive anyone with a similar story? I have a ultrasound to make sure on the14th thanks
Oh wow.. well just pray there's always hope!! And I hope you get. 2 healthy babies I've seen on tv twins that were concieved a fewweeks apart! Crazy but it can happen.. hopefully that's your case.. if not just take super good care of the one you have.. good luck at your next ultrasound
It can happen and isn't uncommon. Its called vanishing twins syndrome, where you have 2 sacs but a baby never forms in the second one. Don't give up hope though, they could have just seen it wrong or maybe you have a tilted uterus. Either way hun, don't lose hope or get down! And yes, there have been a few studies where twins were conceived a week or two apart from each other. Just stay calm and wait until your next ultrasound. Best of luck and prayers for you! Congrats on your pregnancy!!