Anemic, Anyone???

edited May 2011 in Third Trimester
My iron levels are VERY low and I need to bring them up in a major way! Has anyone ever tried blackstrap molasses, or know someone who has? I've been told it's an excellent natural choice for increasing iron, along with adding iron-rich foods to one's diet. I'd love to get some feedback! (SN: I'm 29w3d) :)


  • my dr told me to cook with cast iron skillets...that helps up your iron but not much
  • I'm anemic, and I have to take a extra pill and my doc said molasses has tons of iron as well. I'm 28 weeks, and they want you iron up , so when you give birth and bleed, you'll be alright. I can't wait till my iron is up, I want my energvy back. :) good luck!
  • I have severe anemia, my levels were 4.6 when I was 8 months pregnant last time. Not good at all! They said I should've been comatose. Anyway here is a list of foods to help increase your iron levels without taking an iron supplement.

    Pork Liver
    Chicken Liver
    Beef Liver
    Turkey & Chicken
    Enriched breakfast cereals
    Cooked beans and lentils
    Pumpkin seeds
    Blackstrap Molasses
    Baked potato with skin
    Enriched pasta
    Canned asparagus
    Egg yolks
    Dark, leafy greens (spinach, collards)
    Dried fruit (prunes, raisins)

  • I'm anemic too!! my levels are 8.6 lol.. steak its what's for dinner(:
    I'm just a simple country girl from Texas lol
  • After i had my son they did blood test and said i was anemic. Was told to eat foods rich in iron. Was also given a prescription for iron supplements and told to continue taking my prenatal vitamins.
  • Thank you ALL for your feedback! I started the molasses today, and will be buying foods rich in iron ASAP! I think the nurse told me my level was 2.3, but maybe I should call back to see if she really said 10.3! I know I will definitely be paying extra attention to what I eat these remaining few weeks, and I do look forward to gaining more energy.
  • im anemic and i know that if you eat kiwi with food that have iron in it it helps your body to absorb the iron better because a lot of times it just goes in and goes out
  • I take my prenatals along with an extra iron pill each day.
  • If you take iron pills make sure you take an extra vitamin c with them. Your body cant absorb the iron with out vitamin c. And thats coming directly from my hemotologist.
  • So what form of Vitamin C is best to take with iron? Orange juice? Fruits? A pill supplement? I'm loving all the help! :)
  • @mya218 orange juice helps with absorbtion of iron pills also remember to not take any calcium or drink milk, take rolaids or tums or like ice cream 2 hrs before and 2 hrs after you take iron pill
  • I am seriously anemic. I've had 3 blood transfusions 3 iron infusions. Fun stuff!! I can not take iron pills so the infusions have been best for me personally. I also now give myself b12 injections. Slowly coming back to life ;-)
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