Gestational diabetes !!

edited May 2011 in Health
Just found out I have Gestational diabetes.. It sucks because I cant eat no sweets or junk food.... Its not my fault I crave does things ):


  • my cousin found out last week she has gestational diabetes and her nutrionist told her to eat the Smart Ones and Lean Cuisines from WalMart and they even have deserts and she says they hit the spot adn keep her sugar down! good luck!!
  • You can I would just do it in moderation. I have ice cream sometimes. :)
  • Have u been checking ur sugar levels?? What is it running?? Do u have to take insulin or meds?? @jadenzmommy @ehill11009
  • Yep. Mine are all normal levels when I check. I haven't had any super high numbers. I haven't changed my diet too much either. I just have to check no meds insulin.
  • @jadenzmommy@ehill11009
    I have it too, but mine r high and I can't have anything really. I'm hungry
  • I have it too. My numbers run between 70 and 90. I take 2.5mg of glyburide every morning. No insulin. My saving grace? Cheerios, splenda sweetened shredded wheat, peanut butter n sugar free jelly sandwiches, and apples. Pb is always a good snack.
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