am i the only not really getting along with babysfather??

edited February 2011 in Second Trimester
Im preggo but im kinda loosing intrest n my babysfather idk wat to do want to b with him for sake of baby n hes a gud guy most of the time but he does things to get on my nerves im just confused am i the only 1??


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  • No you are not alone, if mine would leave I'd probably be a lot happier
  • I feel the same way but then when he's gone I miss him lol
  • Definitely not alone. I was with the father for 6 years we were high school sweethearts. We broke up a couple years ago....well lonely times called for us to spend some time together. I am a little over a month pregnant and he wants nothing to do with any of it.
  • So lately all my husband wants to do is sleep I try and tell him to wake up And just talk to me and he gets mad atvme and doesn't understand and it seems like he's not attracted to me at all anymore he has me so confused anyone else have this problem
  • I never dated my babys father but he and I were good friends. But once I told him I was pregnant and keeping it he basically just ignores me. The worst part is that we work together and have the exact same schedule. It pisses me off to see him act like nothing is going on. I just want to punch him sometimes!!
  • Honey you are not the only one. Since I've gotten prego my fiance gets on my nerve terribly. I feel bad because when he tries to have sex with me or hug and kiss me I pull away from him bcuz I just dnt want to be bothered let alone we have a 3 yr old running around. I'm six months preggo with our daughter and being intimate is the last thing on my mind. He also does things that really irritates my bones! Even little things like picking around in the fridge after I went grocery shopping and eating my snacks! Lol. Your def. Not the only one!
  • @maymommy when we first found out I was pregnant he couldn't be more excited he told EVERYONE now he acts like he doesn't even care, he shows no interest in me at all I mean sometimes its like I don't even exist to him, and its ridiculous for a human being to sleep that much I mean I didn't think it was possible for someone to sleep that much and when I try and talk to him he either gets mad or says he doesn't understand ...any advice??
  • @MrsLazorick29 How far along are you? Have u heard of something like your partner can experience pregnancy symptoms also and one of the major symptoms is fatigue. My fiance sleeps alot also if he's not working he's sleeping. Maybe u should sit him down and really tell him how he's making u feel and if he doesn't understand make him understand because u dont deserve to be treated that way
  • edited February 2011
    @maymommy I'm 4 months along. Ya I've heard of pregnancy sympathy, I've tried to tell him time and time again how alone I feel and how I would just like it if he stayed awake and talked to me or if we just took a drive instead of him sleeping all day and he claims he doesn't understand or if I try and wake him up he gets all grumpy and crap...Not to mention he has an ex-wife and a 10 ur old daughter and I don't mind his daughter I love her like she's my own and she likes me a lot but I can't take much more of his ex-wife, I mean I have to tolerate her and invite her into my house and be civil with her because of his daughter but I catch him kissing her butt 24/7 and its hurtful and irritating
  • mine just left with my car drunk. I don't know what to do anymore with him. We always fight and its starting to get violent.
  • @MrsLazorick29 How far along are you?
  • Sorry typo*
  • I broke up with the daddy when I was around 13 weeks. Now I'm going on 19 and I'm missing him. I still think I did the right thing breaking up with him, but I still miss him so much. And it's not like I can just go back to him either; I decided to end the separation with my husband as soon as I was single because we were getting along and he offered to be supportive and let the daddy be involved. Now it's turned into a huge, complicated mess that I feel like I have no control over unless I do something that could make things even worse. It's confusing as hell.
  • No u not alone I haven't talk to mine n 5 months. Yesterday was the first time we done talk since I been pregnant...dnt feel bad Girl
  • Im going through the same thing as maymommy. My husband is supportive but its like I want the affection but don't want it. I pray that its just the pregnancy making me feel like this. B4 pregnancy he rarely irritated me, now everything he does/says aggravates me. I try to make up for it while he's at work by cooking, cleaning and ironing his clothes but as soon as I see him I'm like you suck! I love him though...
  • Also sometimes I kick him (lightly) in his sleep for no reason. I just did it too...Maybe because he can sleep gas aknd poot free and not have to sit straight up every 10min to Burp.
  • Your not alone. My boyfriend is so insensitive its so irritating. He has done some very messed up things to me even while preggo. He puts me on the back burner for everything else..hasn't even seen an ultrasound or went to an appointment with me...everytime something upsets me he gets mad and says I "trip" on him all the time...ahhhh
  • I am going through it to. When he is here all I want to do is fight and argue. When he is gone I just want him back home. Everything that is said about his ex wife, I just go into a jealous rampage. I wad never like this before. It is so weird.
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