I don't know what to tell my sis anymore

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
her xbaby daddy had his mom claim there daughter. when she has been living with my sis. I don't know what to tell her any more she needs the money but doesn't want to deal with her crazy x


  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • But don't they have to prove it
  • If she also claims the child then the IRS will look further into it
  • Nope u dont have to prove nothing here in texas also long as u.got a social # thats all u need unless some1else.claims her them they will invistagate it
  • Good im glad they will finally do something
  • I'm in a similar situation, with my stepsons mother claimed him, we claimed him to, bc she did 1st, we had to paper file.(ur SISes situation)she will get the money, but come summer her and other party will get audited, if she can PROVE the child was with her, then the other party will have to pay back the money.and vice versa. Good luck!
  • Thanks everyone now I can tell her there is hope. She was going to give up but not now.
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