
edited February 2011 in October 2011
Hello I am only 5 weeks! And had a mc in dec and was only 5 weeks. This time I am due oct. 15 and it so far has felt different from the first time I got preggo I had a lot of cramping and this time barely any! This will be me and my fiances first! But my question has to do with the rh factor and since I am negative I know I have to get that shot but I was wondering how far along anyone was before having to get the shot. The first time they were going to give it to me at 5 weeks when we weren't sure if I was just spotting or having the mc.


  • I was A- and I had to get the rhogam shot at 28 weeks
  • I'm A- they give it to me around 28-30 weeks. I had one after I had my daughter too. I'm pretty sure they give it to you early if you are spotting.
  • I'm o- too and 27 wks. What is this shot for? My doctor hasent said anything about it..
  • I would ask your doctor about it. They usually give it to all - blood types. I'm not sure the details on what happens if you don't have it. Maybe you can find it online.
  • I'm o-. I got it at 30 weeks with my first, 25 weeks with my second. Then if the babies blood type is positive then you get the medicine in your iv after the babies born. With my first I got a big shot in my hip bone, but I just had a baby in july and they give them in your iv now.
  • Wait I am 0- wat is the shoot for? Never heard of it and I am 27 weeks
  • Im 24 weeks ill be getting mine around 28-30.

    @mommy2audrey they only give it to negetive blood types who either a) don't know what the fathers blood type is or b) know for a fact that the father has a positive blood type, which is a majority of the cases with women having neg blood. Do u know if your baby last father has a negetive blood type? Because if he DOES that would be why they haven't mentioned it its not a risk factor for u. If u never documented daddys blood with your ob i would ask them why they haven't mentioned it because rh factor can be very seriously life threatening for your babe
  • I'm O- and will get it around 28 weeks per my Doc :)
  • I'm not sure all negative blood types are " RH negative" but I could be wrong. Not everyone gets rhogam, only those who are RH negative. They routinely test for it I think during first visit but they didn't mention it to me until I was about 25 or so weeks and got it at 28 weeks. And I had to get it right after giving birth as well( if baby is positive blood type).
  • Ya, basicly if your RH negative, your body see's the babys pos blood as a disease and tries to fight it off. Causing seriouse anemia, and can be very serious. My best friend went through this She had an optopic preg and dr never gave her the shot. Never new about it till preg with her second. She was pissed to say the least. Had to have the baby really early. He is healthy and happy now, but was in the hospiatal for weeks. As long as your blood doesn't mix befor the shot your fine though.
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