That's a lie! Im sorry. I've always found that out through an ultrasound and blood work. @lovin_my_unborn That's a good reason to have it done also! Hope everything turned out ok!
thanks ladies!! you have definatly made me at ease with things... i just got myself all worked up... i cant wait for my appt on monday!! its fun cause it is vday and it my anniversary best of luck to all of you ladies and thank you always for the honesty and encouraging words...
The 1 in 200 chance of something happening is really only 1/2 %. The chances get better with the experience of the doctor. I had the cvs and the amnio. I know its different for everyone but the cvs was far more painful than the amnio. I wouldn't do unless they had a good reason for it. My cvs came back trisomy 12. Therefore I needed the amnio to see if I could go through with my pregnancy. Good luck!!!!