Light bleeding.

edited February 2011 in First Trimester
Should I be worried? I'm about 6 weeks pregnant haven't seen a dr yet. Until thursday. A while ago I had really light bleeding. I called the advice nurse she said I will have intermediate spotting here and there. Its Common. Call back if its alot or have alot of pain. But I'm still worried I don't want anything bad to happen.


  • When I was pregnant with my daughter I had light bleeding I freaked out and everything but it actually turned out to okay and I have my baby girl laying with me now beautiful and healthy
  • Thank u. I was freaking out too just now. That alleviates me some what. I hope it just goes away.
  • I am in the same situation.... I am actually almost 8 weeks and I started bleeding and freaked out. The only way I knew I would calm down was to go to the ER. If your uneasy and just want to make sure everything is ok I suggest u go. They are probably gonna tell u to take it easy cause u might be doing too much. Hope everything turns out ok.
  • Yeah that's what my mom said to take it easy. Not To be lifting heavy things or exercising. My car doesn't get fixed till tomorrow. But my appointment is this thursday so ill wait unless it worsens. Thank u.
  • Yeah I agree with Chase718 of your really really uncomfortable go get it checked out
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