Ughhh... idk what to do.

I been so wacked out from my sleeping habbits. I go to bed so late n wake up early and like now im sooooo exhausted. I have also lost some weight. Has this happened to anyone? I know this might be a bit tmi but sometimes I get constipated or sometimes I go fine. I like eat hear n there. I use to drink lots of milk. But the one I like now is chocolate milk.


  • How far along are you? It's normal to lose weight in your first trimester. You sound like a normal pregnant lady to me lol.
  • Yes me it hard n milk it has to be 2% BC I can't take the taste of it. I feel like u n I have a long way am only 10 weeks n u
  • I lost a few lbs my first trimester, my ob says its common. But if you're exhausted then take naps, I do take one simply cause I can't even keep my eyes open after a while. And I can not drink any kind of milk unless its whole milk.
  • @hiannaaa im not too sure see I got my period but it only lasted for like four days and for me that isnt normal like I would normally get it for five days and mayb six. So when I had it. It was kinda light but was there u could tell. And my bf n I had sex april 29th I mean we protected ourselves but I was reasearchin online n they say that the chances r still high cuz they either break n stuff. Look I been pregnant before and I know the feeling. Right now as week speak im having baddddd like migranes I had it since yesterday. And I feel asleep at lile 8pmwoke up at 11 went back to sleep @12 I took advil. And I woke up at six n when back to sleep omg! This is crazy n I still have the headache I woke up with it.
  • My so called period came may6-9th
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