is this normal?

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
By the end of the day i start feeling my stomach real tense...bloaty...kinda sore. And when i get to bed it makes it very uncomfortable to sleep even with a pillow between my legs. Sometimes it even makes it hard to turn from side to side with an occasional stabbing feeling on my lower left side. Im only 9 this normal?


  • If you can rest on your left side for a half hour a day as needed. It helps a lot. I probably take 2-4 breaks like that a day now and it really helps. Try a pillow between your knees in bed too.
  • Just saw the pillow part... Preggo brain acting up!
  • Sounds like bowl distention. I had that pain alot in the beginning. Its from everything starting to move around in your abdomen to make room for your growing uterus. And the bloating is prolly gas. I would deffintly ask your doctor tho just in case. Good luck mama :)
  • I had what felt like sharp stabbing pains in the beginning as well. My dr. said it was ligament pain d/t the body preparing to get bigger :) My theory has always been better safe than sorry. Make sure to ask your dr. and dont feel like you're bugging them, thats why they make the big bucks!
  • I agree, talk to your doctor first and see what they say. I also had pains similar but I found out it was because I was constipated so often. If thats the case you can be perscribed colace, which will help a lot
  • Thank u ladies....lets me feel a little more reassured. Will def bring it up to my dr though. Thanks again!
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