Having the worst morning ever!!

edited May 2011 in Third Trimester
Last night right as I fell asleep me and hubby were woken to a loud noise.
After that I havent been able to fall back to sleep.
For the past 3 days i have slept at the most 7 hours and its making me so exhausted.
Last night i slept 10 minutes.. The night before 2 hours and the night before 5 hours.
My body wont relax enough even with PMs to fall asleep.. I woke hubby up at 630 crying in pure frustration and he decided he would take the day off.
We're laying in bed together and i start noticing contractions..my stomache was tightening up and my back was hurting pretty bad with each one.. Enough that i couldnt talk during them. They were about 4 minutes apart and lasting a minute each time so I asked him to get me some water..
So he gives me two tylenoel pms and a glass of water so I can try and relax and sleep and not even a minute later I throw it up..
The contractions stop when i throw up but start up again and are very painful when im standing not evn 10 minutes later. So im laying down on my left side and I start feeling so much pressure down in my vaginal area like shes about to come outta my booty.. I have a history of preterm labor but things seem to be calming down. Im gonna try and sleep and hopefully theyll go away once my body isnt stressed out.. Im just so exhauated and now is not the time to come.. At least let me get well rested first.. Only 31 weeks..


  • Could it be baby engaging? Try walking and drinking. You need to ring you're doc/midwife too. Contractions can start through bein stressed. Try and keep calm. Good luck x
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