August Mamas



  • I am due August 10th with a little boy:) he is currently 2lbs 11oz. His right kidney is dialated but they said they are 95% sure that he won't need surgery. He is absolutely handsome. I have gained 35 pounds and they only want me to gain more because I apparently looked "sickly" when I first got pregnant. I only weighed 103 pounds when I found out. Sleeping at night sucks, and this morning a charlie horse woke me up at sucked. But other than that I am very excited and anxious to meet my handsome prince.
  • I'm due Aug.4th with my daughter gracelyn :) I'm very excited to meet her :) I have not had a lot of energy at all lately! But I'm so excited my baby shower is next weekend n I got pix of me n my fiance done yesterday for our engagement pix n baby bump pix they turned out so good! But I'm wishing my sister in law was here
  • @08lilmomma11 they said the same thing to me I thought I looked dang good before lol but I guess I was underweight I have gained 30 n they say I need to gain another ten.... r u kidding me?!
  • @mommakk88 idk one of my friends said I looked disgustingly skinny before I look preggo, def not my friend anymore, but I don't know how I was soo skinny. I eat like a man lol its gonna be fun trying to loose it all after Christian comes.
  • @August22baby good luck I just did mine Friday the stuff u gotta drink is gross! Lol just through it back that's all I can say the quicker the better
    @08lilmomma11 my family n friends told me the same lol I told them I didn't care I looked good n like u I can put some food away! Lol I went to my doc cause I kept loosin weight n asked y she asked wat I was doin I said sitting on my butt watching tv n eating lol she had no answers for me.....
  • @mommakk88 eating is hobby! Lol well that and sleep. I did my glucose test as well on Friday and as weird as it is to say this..I thought it tasted good. Waiting an hour sucks though!
  • @08momma11 lol exactly. Really u liked that stuff lol mine was fruit punch n it was way too sugary or somethin lol n the hour sucked so bad that was the first thing I had to eat or drink all day! Lol I wanted to get the taste out of my mouth so bad! But nope not for an hour I'm glad that's over n I hope I don't have to go back n do the three hour one
  • @mommakk88 where did u get ur belly pixx done??
  • @naliibby2 I got them done in Washington one of my college friends did them she did a wonderful job :) u don't have to spend money just find a pretty place take a digital camera n start takin tons of pix them find a friend that is good with photo shop n there u go :) lol them u can get them printed at Walmart for 28 cents a pic that's all I did
  • good idea!!! kool !! :) u juss take ur memory card to walmartz machines??
  • @naliibby2 yep :) that or put them on the comp if u wanna photo shop them at all then just put them on a jump stick n take that :) its super easy n they have cute borders n such that u can add once ur pix r on their machines :) saves a lot of money n makes better memories I think being able to do it with bd n friends :)
  • wow I use smiley faces too much lol my bad
  • @mommakk88 yeah I liked it. Mine was not the fruit punch though lol it was the orange one. Tasted like flat orange soda. I was just exhausted already and then sitting there for an hour was boring so I started to fall asleep. And that's a good idea with the pics btw. I'm having my mom do them. She isn't a professional but she has done all of my pictures from prom to graduation. Its free..and that's the best part lol :)
  • @08lilmomma11 good thinkin :) I should have got the Orange one then lol I was pretty tired myself n my bd was getting all pissy for having to wait there it was no fun lol
  • @mommakk88 aw kool.. can u make bby shower invitations on der? thata awesome!
  • @naliibby2 yep :) n thank u's I made mine there I used my ultrasound picture for my invites with two different borders n just wrote in the info on the back cost me like twenty five bucks to do 70 invites so I saved only like five or ten bucks but they were personal n had a picture I think they gave me a discount to cause I did so many lol
  • Was due Aught 4 but they changed it to Aught 1, I'm starting to feel wayyy heavier and my tummy is getting harder... my feet don't swell...its mostly my ankles...but I don't feel sick or anything just a little more tired..and
  • @mommakk88 that's great!! that's what I want.. my ultrasounds picc along wit one or 2 other pixx!?? wow!!! yayy !!!
  • @naliibby2 glad I could help :) its fun n only takes a few min to print them or u can do one hour..... I did instant pix it rocked n everyone loved them
  • I cant wait till my crib and stuff arrives so I can start in his nursery his room is so empty with a swing and car
  • U got more then I do. :'( my Lil creatures room is still "under construction". The new window is being put in Friday and I have no clue how or when hubby is gonna get the carpet done. And the crib will be here in less then a week. (Pulling out my hair!) Plus the painting isn't even finished.
  • i hope my apartment let's me paint a wall I want a blue and green half and half horizontally painted accent wall
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  • Due 1st august, i'm doing great.. i just feel like i've been prego forever lol

  • August 24,th for me :) im painting the nursery right now. I can't wait to get everything all organized... physically its getting hard. I have fibro and the bigger I get, the more I hurt : / I can't wait to meet my daughter, although im terrified of giving birth since im a Ftm with bad anxiety....
  • Super excited, 12 wks left and I just wanna get everything done haha love shopping just hate da walking and back pain but I have rlly been lovng pregnant lately just hate I gotta wait around for everyone to do da lifting and all dat usually I get stuff done myself and dnt wait around so patience has def been key here haha @Kristi8_11 I'm right dere with ya due Aug 25 =)
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