yesterday was a total night mare!

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
So 30 weeks and 2days today and this past week I have been having contractions like crazy I had a doc appointment Wednesday and doc monitored me for 5 min and of course nothing happens but found out I have an over growth of bacteria in my vagina sry tmi ... any way so yesterday morning woke up to 7 contractions in an hour I went about my day it started back up at noon went to the restroom and there was blood! I was freaking out and thought I was losing my son so the doc told me to come in and hooked me to monitors and of course I was having a lot of contractions but they were not regular next thing I knew they said I was being put on iv I thought I was being induced! Lucky they where just hydrating me cause they thought I was dehydrated I was sent home after that they never checked y I was bleeding and the doc said he would have never had me come in if he would have known I had just been to the doc the day before but seriously it was a lot of blood and cramps and I continue to have cramps and contractions today! Ugh I worry about my baby I wish they wouldn't leave me hanging wondering y I bled so much


  • Thats not right they should have kept you in !
  • I know! They just said to keep off my feet and if my water breaks let them know that's the only advice they gave me
  • Thats a joke the health service these days i no its irrelevant but i have viral vertigo and it took me two trips too the hosp before they cared told me it was nothing the first time second time they said it was vertigo go for a second opinion hunny
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