worried about two things please give advice c section

edited May 2011 in Giving birth
So apparently my bf talked to the nurse at the hospital when je went to go het some things we forgot and she said my son isent pooping enough...could that be my fault because they have me on pain meds for the c section...I have been cutting back and trying to deal with the pain a little more because I also haven't had a bowel movment since Sunday. The other thing I had my c section on Monday and he was born at 803 am... I've already stopped bleeding and my mom seemed kind of worried...should I be and should I contact the nurse? What should I be doing to take care of the incision as far as just washing it and should I try to massage even though it hurts?


  • edited May 2011
    Are u breast feeding or using formula
  • I have had 2 csections, the baby needs to have a bowel movement at least 2-3 times a day. As for you, if your breast feeding and taking pain meds, that's not the reason for no poop for your baby. You not pooping will take up to a week. Have you passed gas yet? As for the incision, they will explain everything on what and what not to do. Don't scrub with a loofa or wash cloth. Just rinse. Hope this helps a little
  • when my oldest was an infant there would be timea I had to hell stimulate her to poop.... I would call the doctor about the bleeding issue for sure its better to be safe then sorry
  • For the incision, after bathing make sure ita dry-pat it with towel. You can even put some baby powder on so it stays dry (I'm assuming part of your belly covers it/drops over it). I wouldn't massage it until ita fully healed. Bleeding, well everyones different. My first I bled about a week,week n a half and my second had may20(shes 3 today lol) and didn't stop bleeding until a few days before my wedding which was june 28! Got my period the day after my wedding but I digress...iwouldnt think pain meds are affecting his bm's but ask I nurse anyway. I think they may just be keeping you informed.
  • I'm breastfeeding right now. And there's no belly over thr wound. I talked to a nurse and she said that my body knows what its doing so its ok for me to stop bleeding. We see the pediatrician on the 23 so we will find out yhen if he's.ok
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