My baby has no heart beat ;_( but my body don't wana let him go.. Can any1 tell me the warning signs

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
My baby has no heart beat ;_( but my body don't wana let him go.. Can any1 tell me the warning signs of the passing of my baby... I have final ultrasound on Monday then they Want 2 proceed 2 the next step but they said my baby might pass out of my body b4 then... My heart is not just broken... I feel like i lost a part of me & not 2 mention that Im laying here rubbing my baby knowing he's still inside me... My uterus is hurting so i don't know if that's part of a sign of the beginning stages of losing my baby... Im not bleeding & having some cramping but my uterus feels heavy... Can any1 help me but here... What r the signs


  • I don't know the signs .. but im really sorry for your loss ..
  • Im sorry to hear that hun. I don't know anything about this. But I hope ur baby is okay. Ill keep u and ur baby in my prayers.
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  • You're in my prayers. I'm really sorry, hun!
  • So sorry to hear that hun, stay strong.
  • Sorry for your loss
  • edited May 2011
    I also needed help passing my first. But they gave me a pill. It felt like a bad period. No big clumps came out. How far long are you. @babysolorio
  • sorry for ur loss, I remember predicting ur babys gender :(
  • I had a little spotting with no cramping
  • @Bwhite55019... How far along were u & did they tell u that the baby had no heartbeat or did u just miscarry on ur own
  • TThank u every1 for all ur prayers... Im still hoping this isn't real & that it was all a mistake
  • I was 9 weeks exactly and I started spotting and had the Ultrasound and they could not find the heart beat so I went a few days later and had a D&C. I would recommend the surgery because I never experienced any cramping or pain. I'm so sorry for you loss
  • @Mrsthompson34... Yes u did ;( i kept telling my fiance that MrsThompson34 says were having a boy & she was right on the other girl...
  • awww thats so sad, I feel hurt for u n ur fiance. I kno u were telling me how excited he was to hear u guys were having a lil boy. its always harder for us woman to let go bc once we find out were pregnant were attached right away. was this ur first baby together??? hope u guys get thru this
  • I'm sorry for your pain! know your not alone, we are praying you find comfort.
  • I am so sry, if u dnt mind me askin, how far along were u.. yet again I am soo so srry. :( ths breaks my heart..
  • @Mrsthompson34... Yes our first child 2ether... He seems to be doing perfectly fine like if it didn't even effect him... I on the other hand can't stop crying... He says these things happen all the time & that i need to stop crying already... Kinda told hearted... I told him fathers don't get attached 2 baby til they are born & moms get attached as soon as they know they r there... My body is the one that went threw the changes... Not his... I wish he would atleast act like he cares... It was weird bcuz when i surprised him in a fortune cookie at a restaurant that said "Congratulations Marcial ur gone be a daddy"... He cried he was so happy... We were trying for 15 months... Then all of a sudden he acts like its no big deal & gets angry at me for crying... He was side the first day when we found out but now acts like its no big deal... His friends r calling him to go out with them & he's saying ya he's gone go... I don't want b alone right now... But it doesn't look like its a priority to him... We don' together... We were suppose to b buying a house by july... But he doesn't stay the nite with me & isn't in no hurry to come over when he wakes up... He just says well keep trying... Idk why he doesn't feel like he needs to b by my side... I still have my precious lil one inside me & don't go back to Doc til Monday... Im cramping & im scared... Is it normal for him to act like its no big deal & make it seem like im making a big deal out of nothing...
  • @girlsloveink... I was 10weeks 3 days when i found out on Monday... I would have been 11was today... Actually i am 11 wks today cuz i still have my precious baby inside me...
  • edited May 2011
    Im sorry for your loss. It took my two wks to finally pass my baby. I just started one day and it slowly got worse and.more painful throughout the night until I could hardly move out of bed. It was the worse pain ever. I guess my body was having contractions or something. But it took about 4 hours for when the cramps got super bad to when I finally passed it. I went to the er. I knew they couldn't do anything but I knew they could help my intense pain and they did. :(

    I was 10 wks when I lost my 7 wk fetus. It hurt us both and the dr did tell grieve since it is a loss of a child. So grieve with your husband together since it hurts him just as bad as you. My husband too acted like he wasnt.hurt. men like to be the strong ones but.i know he was devestated. Im sure hes the same way But do talk about it because it helps. The more I forced myself to talk about with my husband and others the better I felt. I also joined a support group online which was great as well. And also give your body and emotions a change to heal before trying again. Its a traumatic event to everything and it took me 2 months for my body to get back to 'normal' afterwards. And people are.right. once your duedate passes its like a weight is lifted. On the brighter note after that we were able to try again soon after that so please don't lose hope and your faith because it will be alright.
  • People deal with things in their own way, that may just be his way. When I misscarried with my first, my husband cried his eyes out, but the next day, he didn't want to talk about it. Still 2 years later,he doesn't acknowledge it happened. I'm very sorry for Ur pain, ill pray for u, and if u need someone to talk to, I'm always open to listen
  • I'm so sorry about the baby and about your fiancee. This is probably his way of dealing with his emotions, which isn't fair because you should be mourning together... I suggest you have a girlfriend or your mom come and stay with you. It's a hard thing to go through it on your own...
  • I think it is hard for men to show their emotions. Maybe he doesn't feel like he knows what to say to you so he is just avoiding the whole situation. I'm not saying he is right by any means...
    Also praying for you.. I can't imagine what you are going through. =((
  • Wow, yet again I am terribly sorry, jus also dnt blame urself.. my best friend did & even her bf at the time did!!! He left her at the hospital!! If u read about m/c its usually nvr the parents fault.. sumthing just wuznt right.. an I'm not the best w wrds sumtimes.. but plz believe me tht I am truely srry & my heatrt goes out to u & urs. My gma had 9 yes 9 mc & doctors said tht whn tht happens, tht there's usually jus sumthin wrong w the baby.. my gma thn had 3 boys & 2 girls.. I'm so srry..
  • I would have a d&c I had to have one a year and a half ago bc my baby would not come out I had no signs. Went In for a regularly scheduled us and no hb. A week later my d&c was done:( it wasthe easiest choice for me no pain no emotional scars of seeing my baby in the toilet or anything like that. Sorry if tmi just my honest feeling and thoughts that were there for me good luck god will bless u again im very sorry for ur loss
  • I was 11 wks and miscarried 2 yrs ago. I just started bleeding lightly n it got heavier over the course of a few days. I started feeling mild contractions n went to the ER. They confirmed on an US that the bababy didn't make it past 5wks.. they did a d&c at my request because I didn't want to wait for it to pass.
    It affected my husband, bit he's much strstronger. There was one day last summer where I just cried uncontrollably over it n told him that sometimes it seems like he acts like nothing happened, but he told me he didn't want to make me upset by talking about it. I think a lot of guys are like that.. keep your head up. There's always tomorrow. You'll make it thru and will try again someday. My heart goes out to you.
  • my friend had the same thing happen to her. no heartbeat so they gave her an u/s and she lost it... :-( that was on a friday and that weekend she started cramping bad and started bleeding and she passed it ok so she didnt need a d&c. i hope everything works out and u dont need one and ur body passes it normally. im very sorry about ur loss i know how it feels. almost half of all pregnancys end in mc unfortinetly... sometimes we loose them without even knowing we are prego in the 1st place. i hope things get better for u soon. keep ur head up :X
  • I lost my first baby because the baby had no heartbeat at almost 8 weeks. I wanted to wait and pass the baby natural but I needed help passing the baby to avoid infection. So I took the pill, it started with spotting, was a light cramping at first then it was a little more intense and I had pressure to push. I'm so sorry for ur loss hun, ill keep u in my prayers.
  • I lost a baby in early pregnancy in December. I was lucky in the fact I didn't know I was pregnant but as soon as the bleeding started I knew what it was. It actually started while my fiance and I were having sex so he felt very responsible. We didn't talk about it for 5 months because he couldn't cope with it. When we did talk and I asked him why he was like that he said its because he would rather pretend the most horrific events of his life just never happened and talking was too painful. Unfortunately our society is like that a lot leaving us mums to deal with the worst of it alone, but it does get easier with time.
  • Am sry hun n yes he is upset n he is dealing with it different then u
    Just give him space n time he will speak to u
  • @babysolorio I'm am so sorry for your loss how long were they trying to find his heart beat because my baby was moving so much my doctor couldn't find his heartbeat but did an us and saw it beating. She said my weight played a part in them not finding it. Hopefully that's whats happening to you.
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