TMI sharp vaginal pains and nervousness!

edited May 2011 in Third Trimester
i will be 35 weeks on tuesday, and today i have been experiencing sharp but very brief vaginal pains off and on. a quick google search assured me that this is a sign of labor coming, but it can still be weeks away. i guess my cervix is thinning out and the baby must have dropped. i can handle the pains, but i suddenly feel nervous! this entire pregnancy i have been resigned to the pain of a natural childbirth(and that is still my plan) but i now have butterflies in my stomach thinking about how soon it could be! has this happened to anyone else? a calm, accepting pregnancy until the cervical pains jolt you into slight trepidation? please offer your similar stories, if you have them. thanks ladies! :)


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  • Its sort of similar to getting cold feet before u get married. As a ftm I was nervous as well I was on bed rest and released at 37 wks so I felt nervous about doing anything and that it would send me into labor
  • I get those pains sometime I'm not nervous just ready for it to b over
  • it totally does feel like cold feet! like i am not dreading it per se, but i feel all nervous and butterfly-tummied. it is also kinda like the night before starting school, feeling all wired and unable to sleep lol
  • I'm almost 33 weeks and feeling the same thing! I hope it means that I'm having cervical changes... It feels like someone stabbing me in my crotch hole! (sorry if tmi) it only does it every once in a while, but DANG it hurts!! It's like a radiating pain! OUCH!
  • I got those freaked out and ran to my doctors for me they told me it was my pelvic bone seperating and making room. No signs of labor just my body getting ready for the signs of labor... my dr said because I was so tiny it was only going to get worse... I was ready to smack him haha
  • I'm feeling these same pains and I'm getting nervous and scared to wit only 3weeks away And 3days and dis my first ugh.... how far along are u
  • I'm 36w get those pains occasionally. I am nervous too, haven't had a newborn to take care of in 11 years. My son's starting to date this girl who drives, and my girl is acting like the baby will be a burden. This summer should be an adventure!
  • It's definitely normal to be nervous about the unknown! An engaged head is a good thing, my daughter never did drop so when my waters broke there was a concern of a prolasped cord which is really dangerous. Try doing Squats leaning against the wall to make more room, also swimming the breast stroke can bring major relief. I had a natural birth and it was totally worth it! I psyched myself out for the last few weeks by saying affirmations in the mirror, "I am powerful, I am strong, I am giving a gift to my baby." Sounds lame but it really helped me to look myself in the eye and say it out loud. I posted notes around home and work that said I am powerful so I could read it a few times a day. Hang in there, u can do it!
  • Ive been getting them starting about a month ago and went into l& d friday with 8 minutes apart contractions and wasn't thinned but dialated to a 2 & at some points dr could feel her head but they got contractions to stop and sent me home saturday morning
  • I have the same type of pain around the same time. I still have them off and on. I'm delivering friday . having a c section. now getting very very nervous. only 3 days away.ahhhhhjj
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