


  • @mommy2audrey I'm a server and people ask me/touch my belly and stare.. lol one time this really annoying lady belly and said his name is Henry!?! I looked at her and said who I'm not pregnant... haha that's the best one so far I'm pretty sure she went pale...
  • My husband and I get stared at anyway. I'm 19 and he's 39. People look at him, then at me, back to him, look at our ancient car and have this look on their face like "why is she with him?" Lol. Can't wait until I'm obviously pregnant. Bring on the weird looks!
  • @babygeesmama2b haha! That's way funny! I wanna do that lol
  • @mommy2audrey I was getting pissed at that to and I ended up going to this store called spencers and getting a shirt saying let's get one thing straight ur fat I'm pregnant
  • Yesterday I was sitting at Lynnwood transit station.I was thirsty and I had a bottle of imported Pomagranite itallian soda in my bag witch looks a lot like a bottle of wine.Anyways.......I started drinking it and everyone was staring at me...I'm almost 30weeks and Soooo huge :D
  • It bothers me too. But I just think its bc im so tiny abd they think that im some little girl... Plus my boyfriend is super tall too .
  • @angieface, hey I live in Lynnwood :D Its cool that we're close by!
  • @VictoriaB
    Yeah I just got here almost 2weeks ago I really like it..I'm staying in the Edmonds bowl area with friends (that's not working out so well) My boyfriend is having a hard time finding a job. I think I may have found a place in Everett.LOL I still like it here better than AZ.I was referred to Sound Woman's Health for my pregnancy.
  • @angieface I was referred to sound women's health too, but they told me when I called in January that the earliest I could get in would be March 4th! I ended up going to the birth and family clinic. Its really nice too.
    Everett kinda sucks. I'd rather live in Lynnwood lol. It is cheaper in Everett tho! Plus, I like the bus system up there better.
  • @debs I was soo the same way. I was married and 21 when I was pregnant I felt like every one thought I was like 16 from a broken home or I can wait for the stares ill get with a 2yr old and a big belly..
  • I get looked at.... Then look at my 16 minth old then look at me again lol
  • Lol im always tempted to tell people when.they ask when im due to say "oh im not pregnant" to see what they say. Of course everytime I tell them im due in may their eyes get really wide and then they ask me if im having
  • I teach 3rd graders. As SOON as they found out I was pregnant, they all began TOUCHING my belly. Now, I know they are only 8, but still...
  • @shanIam I work with 7th and 8th graders and I'm dreading the days when I start to show cuz I know they'll all be grabbing my belly, oh and the parents too!! Plus I know with their pervy minds they'll be like "oh that means Mrs T. had sex" LOL
  • @tanguiano One of my third graders said, "I didn't think teachers did those kinds of things!" what things he was talking about, I'm not sure, and I didn't care to ask!
  • Not me, its the one time I don't care if I look like a beach ball on stilts, lol!! I like messing with people as I leave a restaurant, its funny, "man, I shouldn't have eaten so much, I hope I left other people some" pat my belly, Lmao!!
  • @shanIam sex hun, they didn't think teachers have sex, lol!!! I could c my oldest thinking that, cuz they still think its a dirty thing. Teachers need love too! :-)
  • LOL I got a few shirts; One says 'Does this baby make me look fat?' And 'Touch the belly, Lose a hand' I can't stand it when people touch my belly without permission :S
  • I get looks all the time at work.. Mostly harsh dirty looks.. Idk if its cuz I look younger than I am.. Or cuz Im not married (or both) but it just makes me laugh.. I guarantee alot of those people are also against abortion but give me dirty looks cuz I'm having a child.. People are ridiculous.
  • Im 21 but get told alot I only look about 16 so I get those looks all the time the worst looks I got was after vday I had hickies on my neck and ppl looked at me really weird
  • My stares are @more of the negative sort. I walk around 8 months pregnant with a 1 and 2 year old, everybody stares!
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