Questions about belly cast...

edited May 2011 in Just for Fun
Any mommys out there tried this yet? How much are the kits and where can I get one? Is it very time consuming (start to finish)?


  • I saw them at babies r us yesterday for like 19.98 or whatever the change was.
  • They have a good kit that comes in a paint can at motherhood for $26, I bought that one and did it about 4 days ago, it came out good, can't wait to decorate it. It took about 30 mins start to finish, id say the hardest part is getting it off! It hurts, I put oil on that came with it but I think if u use crisco shortening it will come off better
  • me and bd did it while I was standing in the tub, so it was easy to clean up, that kit has rolls of strips that you dip in water then place them on you, pretty straight foward, good luck
  • @Summergirl22 LMAO!! I'll remember the crisco tip! Just may turn out to be a comical experience!
  • edited May 2011
    Just wondering...if you're really really fat do you need to buy two kits? Just curious.. :/
  • Hey hun i just responded to your comment on my wall abt my cast :)

    Hope you have fun doing it.
  • Good question @blueberrysmom lol I have a feeling if I were to do a cast in a few months my 3 yr old could fit in it lol
  • I want to do one too! Funny this topic came up, I was just researching where I could get it done professionally but its good to find out I can do it myself
  • @singlemama you def can do it at home with a kit, you need at least someone to help though, cause u cant move while being casted
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