Working out

Is anyone else still going to the gym? I'm 28 weeks and still going. If so do u get dirty looks from ppl when u go in there? I do and it drives me nuts.


  • I was going but then stopped after I had a hemmorage but plan on going back starting next week.
  • @ExcitedForOctober I'm sorry to hear that u had a hemorrhage, good luck when u go back! Dp ppl look at u like u shouldn't be there cuz ur prego?
  • My sister in law did for almost the entire pregnancy. She dis a 5k at seven months it is so folios for you and the baby.
  • I'm 38 weeks and I still go but I cut back to twice a week and one day on the pool. People there are so ignorant, it annoys me greatly!
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  • I'm 32 weeks and go to the gym....and yes I feel like Im always being watched and my bd thinks I'm crazy but its soooo true:( but I am also hoping that all this extra walking will bring my lil Emmett sooner :)
  • Thank you. When I was going you still couldnt tell I was pregnant at all but I'm curious to see if I get the same stares now that I am showing...if they do stare they will have to hear it from me :)
  • I'm not showing yet but people who now I'm pregnant always say your still running. I can't wait until I'm showing and running. I look forward to looks from the un healthy clueless people
  • I just did 4 miles on the treadmill yesterday at the gym. I'm 19 wks tomorrow & I definitely have a small baby bump, but I usually just wear big shirts, so I just look fat I'm sure. I'd like to keep going throughout my pregnancy, but I keep gaining weight & I'm feeling discouraged. I know I'm going to gain weigjt. I just don't know if I'm on track & how much is normal so I get frustrated. I go to the dr next wk though & see what they say.
  • I go in my 32nd week.I walk on the treadmill now instead of run since I started getting bad pain in my pelvis.I still lift quite heavy weights whilst sitting on a gym ball.
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