Preterm labor?
So, I'm a high risk patient already because my baby is measuring 3 weeks behind. I'm due to be induced in 3 days; I'm 36 weeks and 2 days right now. I think I may be having early preterm labor signs. Since I'm going to be induced in 3 days anyway, should I just embrace the contractions and wait as if I was full term? Here are my symptoms (havig these since 8:00pm last night): Menstrual like craps that come and go but I can not relieve them myself, i have to let them go away on their own; Dull low back pain that is constant but varies in intensity; Contractions that sometimes accompany the cramps and sometimes don't; Nausea; Low pelvic pressure; Increase in discharge (Reminds me of what I saw right before I lost my mucus plug with y first pregnancy); I wouldn't say any of it hurts but its pretty uncomfortable at this point, and I have tried laying on my left side, using a heating pack for cramps, ice pack on my neck to stop nausea, and moving around to stop contractions. So far the ice pack is all that stopped anything.