early or late?

edited May 2011 in Just for Fun
So who has already had a baby and was he/she early or late?

And if your bun is still in the oven do you want to have her/him b4 or after your due date?


  • My daughter I had at 34w6d. My water broke at my sisters wedding reception 5 mins after my speech! With my son I am 30 weeks now and I am hoping to make it to at least 38 weeks but I have to schedule a c-section for 39 wks bc of complications. How about u @wiseccourt ?
  • With my son i went 3 days past due date nd got induced nd had c-section... with this 1 ill be 33weeks on weds nd hoping she"ll come early in july if not im getting a scheduled csection 2days before due date...U?
  • My baby was due yesterday and still no baby tear drop
  • I had my son at 37w 6d due to pre-eclampsia...I hope I have my daughter early too because I don't wanna wait til the end of august...ill be so miserable...more than likely ill have a scheduled c section around 38 weeks
  • @fat_bob be patient lol...my cousin had her baby boy Thursday...9 days late! Baby will come when its good n ready :)
  • edited May 2011
    With my daughter I was induced 3days b4 my due date... n I'm now 39wks n I wish he would come on already :-(( I was having contractions yesterday but they stop I was so upset... never thought i'd b sooo happy to b in pain ;-)
  • I'm 39+1 and I cannot wait for her to come out...i don't want to go over my due date...I was 11 days early with my son...

    Goodluck to you :)
  • @mindy061606 I want early this is my first and hubbie isn't here so want to have him early so I have a hang of things b4 he's home on leave I'm 34 weeks today lol
  • My little boy was born at 39 weeks because of pregnancy problems.
  • With my first, my doctor stripped me so it can jump start my labor. I had my son at 39 wks. With this one, I'm just gonna go with the flow and let him come when he feel like it. Give his lungs a chance to fully develop.
  • @kalasthename o no I almost cried wen u said that they better induce me soon
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