i want to be induced when im 37 weeks

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
Any suggestions? Should I just ask my doctor? I'm only 30 weeks right now but my mom and brothers are leaving when I'm 38 weeks pregnant and I want them to be here and spend some time with him and if I don't get induced they won't see him til he's a couple months :(


  • You can always ask but most doctors won't induce before 38 weeks unless medically necessary. Good luck :-)
  • Yu can't choose to b induced. There has to b a reason for it like medical or smthn wrong wit the baby. But hey if u choose too gud luck
  • :S Inducing shouldn't be considered until baby is overdue. It is painful and stressful. Before you ask your doctor, do research. I regret getting induced with my first.
  • Well me and both my brothers were all 4-6 weeks early and we we all fine, my moms doctor induced me when she was 34 week bc he was going on vacation
  • I'm going to ask, if the baby is healthy I don't see a problem
  • The induction may not work if your body isn't ready. I was induced with my son at 39 wks 6 days and it failed. Had to go back in a week later to be induced again. And honestly if u have a good doctor he/it she will not induce you that early.
  • My doctor wont induce til 39 weeks because of possible malpractice lawsuits. They wont let you go over 41 weeks though.
  • I would just ask. It can't hurt! And what didn't work for some may work for others.
  • I asked My Dr wen I was pregnant wit my son he Sed NO WAY not before 39 wks:( but u culd ask anyway.
  • Aww yea, I'm going to just ask if he says no oh well worth a try :) lol I would never put my pumpkin in danger just want him a lil earlier, maybe he will just show up on is own early:)
  • My dr wouldn't induce before 39 weeks without medical reason bc the baby is still developing.. Unfortunatly I had to be induced at 36 weeks and my son had to spend 3 days in the NICU it would have ben longer if they wouldn't have given me the steroid shots for his lungs. My body wasnt ready for labor and after 20hrs I hadn't dilated at all so I had a csection..
  • It's different if baby comes naturally early, but I think inducing that early wouldn't be good. It might only be 3 weeks before your due date but baby might not be naturally ready to arrive till your 41 weeks, and even a couple weeks is important to growth and development.
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