HELP!!!!!baby shower or welcome baby party

edited May 2011 in Baby showers
I really didn't want a baby shower since I just had one in 09 with my first son now im having me secong son in 8 weeks and I want to do a welcome baby home shower (like a sip and see) but idk how long to wait to til after he is born to do it I've heard wait two weeks. So I wanted to know how I go about planning it and how long should I wait?????


  • edited May 2011
    I would wait two weeks just to get into a bit of a schedule and meet your baby before everyone is over. This way you know what cries mean what. I'd get someone to help you, family or friend so you aren't juggling baby and this. Maybe plan a light brunch type of pot luck if that sounds good to you. Whatever you do, just listen to yourself, remember when you first brought past baby home and take it from there :) good luck!
  • I had a baby shower and i am having a welcome baby party. My sons pediatrician said to wait til he is 2 weeks old because baby's cant handle a lot of stimulation the first week of life.
  • Ok thank ladies
  • Ur situation is a lil different from mine... I had a girl in 09 n having a boy this time so I had a second shower (clothes n diapers)... if I was to have a welcome home baby party I would wait till after he get his shots
  • M baby shower sucked. Wat is a welcome home baby party like?? Is it like food, games, and bla bla bla like a baby shower???
  • @room yes I may im just undecieded at the time.....@so a welcome baby home party is like a sip and see...really don't do games just like ppl come get to meet the baby....but u can have food
  • One month. You don't wanna do it too early cause you don't want all those people touching on your new born. Give him a little time to build up an immune system..
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