for those who know the bible..?

edited May 2011 in Just for Fun
In the bible it says drinking is a sin, but they are always drinking wine and stuff, so why is it just a sin for us, and not them? Im confused


  • In the bible to get drunk is a sin. And some religons feel its ok I think. I'm not an expert or anything
  • Its not the drinkin that's the sin, its the gluttony. At least that's how I understand it.
  • Ya...drinking in excess...but pretty much anything in excess is bad
  • Drinking into a state of being drunk is a sin...when Jesus turned water into wine and ppl were drinking wine in those times there was not yeast in the drink making it pretty much grape juice. Hope that helps (:
  • Thank you all :)
  • edited May 2011
    @z_mommy_2009 took my answer... And @calebsmommie is correct. Gluttony is the sin.
    As @firsttimemommy stated the wine back then was not the "wine" we know today. It wasn't fermented and in fact was just grape juice.

    Some people pull from the old testiment in which it say: if your eyes cause you to sin, pluck them out and if your hands cause you to sin, cut them off...Basically eliminate whatever causes you to sin. But that was when the people lived under the law (before Jesus) we (today) live under grace. :-)

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